Weekly Overview March 1-7

Mar 07, 2010 10:55

I did a monthly Tarot reading for March 2010. . . I will explain week one.  I use the Quest Deck, and it's a complicated deck, but it is very accurate.
March 1, 2010 (10 of Swords--Ruin, sickness, setback) Well, first of all we took two of the most pickest people out to eat and they completely dissed the restaurant that Tom and I go to at least once a month. Tom and I were not too happy with that. The other thing is I just started to take Vitamins and I was completely wired.

March 2, 2010 (Justice--fairness, truth) Actually it was fair day, I manage to get everything on my To-Do list done and still have time to write some of my Book 2.

March 3, 2010 (Death--Change) Katie was supposed to start her job that day, but plans got changed: her car broken down and they fixed it as they made it an errand day.

March 4, 2010 (Son of Wands--Energy) The first day went well, I even got up without an alarm clock, and between Tom and I we were able to handle the kids.

March 5, 2010 (Empress (R)--Blocked energy) Not even after 10 minutes after Katie left, I had to play with power breaker, and then I had to call her to find out how I turn on the kid's TV while I had to kids uner my feet demanding cartoons. I also got a call from the kid teacher telling me it was PJ day, so I had to rush around finding a clean pair of PJ's. Then one of Katie's friend called that started drama . . . it was a fluster of a day.

March 6, 2010 (9 of Swords--Setback and extreme worry) We found out from Tom's brother that Tom's father in the hospital literally at his death bed, and the decision to pull the plug has been passed to Tom and his brother. I am extremely worried for Tom.

March 7, 2010 (6of Swords--Information, choices) Tom and I are waiting for more information from his brother, before we are making anymore decisions.

My deck is really good. . . :-)

pagan, tarot, frustrations, no nerves, knowledge, lost, tom, life changes, analyzing, angry, life, 2010, hopeless, baby-sit, thoughts, lifestyle challenges, emotional, reading, stress, drama, paranormnal, depressed

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