Another Page Turns; Another fire burns: Aprils News

Apr 17, 2011 14:49

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Top Headline: Huge To-Do List to accomplish: Will it be completed? Who knows!

I am currently looking at a very cluttered and messy apartment that is on my huge To-Do List to clean.

Rebekah’s To-Do List
  • Pull out Roast from the freezer
  • Season and Marinate Roast for tomorrow
  • Clean Living room
  • Take a shower
  • Spend “time” with Tom
  • Writing: Finish typing Part 3 of NaNoWriMo 2010 story
  • Post  this Blog
  • Research jean prices
  • Research Mp3 player prices
  • Looking through movies for Chick flicks
  • Put away laundry
  • Dishes
  • Clean kitchen
  • Change oil on deep fryer
  • Remind Tom to call his mother
  • Clean computer area
  • Make dinner
  • Watch Animation Sunday (I love the Simpsons and Family Guy)
  • Catch up on facebook games
  • Write another baby blog

Will I complete this list on Sunday April 17, 2011 . . . we will just have to see, but I am getting bumped up ready to work.

I have gotten several comments on this set up so I decide I am going to try to write like this at least once a month. This is April’s edition. (Check out my 101 for 2011 )

Health News

I think my damn biological clock is working and my mom cannot relate simply, because she had me at age 21 and my brother at age 23.

I am 28 and 90% of all of my current friends have kids, are married, have kids and are married or extremely immature as they are still trying to figure out what they want in life. (Note: This is for friends in my personal life as I do have some single friends online who have no kids and are actually quite mature.)

I just keep seeing all of the baby commercials, the movies with babies. It seems that every TV show I watch (even House) has some kind of baby concept. I just thought I would have a few years before my clock would break. (Tom doesn’t help as I know he is 30 and wants a kid or kids of his own someone you can live on through. . . I just don’t want to be the bully parent or one that raises the serial killer.) I have even asked the Tarot cards about, but the answer is still hazy, but I still have dreams of have Tom’s kids (doctors reasoning or not). I just know in my gut I will have kids. . . I just have no freaking idea when. (This is another blog I need to write.) (What started this. . . )

If you knew me personally, then you would know that I personally obsess over like (very similar to Dr. House). . . I have to all of answers and every solution at every angle. (I wish I was that anal in school, I would have been a straight A student for sure. However I also wish I just could drop issues and worries that obsess over. . . It really is unhealthy to obsess.)

Tom and I had a really bad stomach virus. . . things are still not tasting or digesting right. . . I knew a few of my FB friends who also had this virus and several people talked about at the grocery store the other day so it is going around. (Tips: Powerade or other sport drinks have helped, so does a few naps here and there.) You just have to let it works it’s course.

On a good note: I have been drinking more on a daily basis, thank you Tom. J

Writing and Arts

I wish I was finished with my story. . . I have issues with finishing this story. I see the open ending in my head, but there are miles of the tunnel before I see the light. I am beginning to feel that it is at the point where is going from a passion to work . . . However I have a deadline and that is why I cannot take anymore breaks and it feels like work.

I am doing this story for me. . . not anyone else. This is for me; this is to prove to myself that I can take an idea, twist it, put it on paper and publish it. I want to have a solid copy with decorative cover for myself as a constant reminder when my will gets weak that I can accomplish something when I feel I want to quit. (NaNoWriMo Updates )

I have three other ideas in my head, but I refuse to even touch them until I finish my current project. If anyone has ways to keep me motivated I would greatly appreciate it.

Local Fun

Tom and I are getting the latest Mortal Kombat game coming out on Tuesday. I also think we are going out, but after the piss-poor service and quality of food we got from Apple-Bees at the beginning of the month, I just don’t think we are going back.

Maybe we’ll go to the Japanese Steak House or maybe we’ll rearrange and go to the Chinese place down the street. . . I love their duck sauce.

Dear Me

Dear Me,

We have been worrying about a lot lately . . . which as we all know and many science and medical papers have proven is bad for our health.

We have been told that the best thing we should do is just release these things and let them go. As we all know, letting things are is way easier said than done, but we always feel at least a little better after we do it. Well, we are going just one step higher. . . We are going to talk the issues we are worried about out as we release them.

Having a baby. . . first of all girl, you are 28 and you have several years of prime fertile years in that baby making machine of yours. . . take the time why you are not pregnant and do something for you. . . eat what you want, dance, write, being with Tom. . . laugh, watch porn, have fun. (You totally deserve it!)

Tom and your dreams/ fantasizes. . . you are doing your best looking online for someone. Sit down, take a breath, talk it over (after some kinky fun), and work on what and whom exact you want. (Tom loves you; we all know that. He is still here. His friends appreciate that fact you treat him so well, so don’t be hard on yourself for not accomplishing all of his fantasies right now; you have time. Enjoy each other. . . don’t treat your kinky time like a fast food joint.)

Family . . . They are the people that have to accept you for who you are no matter what. We all get on each other nerves, but most of your family are adults and need to make mistakes and learn from them. . . you try to save the day all of the time, you lost pieces of your life and they don’t learn anything. Sometimes you have to have tough love and let them go. (You are a good person, even by doing nothing!)

Friends . . . We know there are moments there are time where feel it’s just Me, Myself and I, because all your friend are immature or in their own drama or living miles away, but you are strong and you can pull through. You can never too many friends, and if you wish to make more, decide who want and befriend those people. (You are sweet, loyal and kind. . . good qualities to have in a friend.)

Weight/health/self-esteem issues . . . You are an attractive girl: young woman. If you want to lose weight . . . lose it for you: whether it is for your health or for more energy or both, but it needs to be for you. (You are talented and truly deserve all that life has to offer. . . Just set your goals and get things done.)

Take your worries and let them go. Let’s go have some fun now shall we.


Myself and I

Laughter is the best medicine

Funny Baby Jokes

Q: Am I more likely to get pregnant if my husband wears boxers or briefs ?

A: You'll have an even better chance if he doesn't wear anything at all


Q: What do you call a pregnancy that begins while using birth control?

A: A misconception


Q: What is the easiest way to figure out exactly when I got pregnant ?

A: Have sex just once a year


Q: What is the most common pregnancy craving ?

A: For men to be the ones who get pregnant


Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move ?

A: With any luck, right after he finishes college


Q: My breasts, rear end & even my feet have grown. Is there anything that gets smaller during pregnancy ?

A: Yes, your bladder


Q: My wife is 5 months pregnant and so moody that she's borderline irrational.

A: So what's your question ?


Q: What's the difference between a pregnant woman and a Playboy centerfold ?

A: Nothing, if the pregnant woman's husband knows what's good for him


Q: What position should the baby be in during the ninth month of pregnancy ?

A: Head down, pressing firmly on your bladder


Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?

A: Right after you find out you're pregnant


Q: What is colic ?

A: A reminder for new parents to use birth control

Soap Operas

On the show “Daddy Dearest”: Well, I have to go into court for my father’s divorce the day after Easter as a characteristic witness. I am really not looking forward to anything, because a judge that has only see two people for a few hours has to take the word on two liars, I mean lawyers. . . I mean lairs on what each person tells them. I just don’t want to personally see my brothers and father get burned, because my stepmother is a lying, dramatic, gossiping, greedy, selfish bitch.

I don’t normally try takes sides, but my father hasn’t lied the entire time (or at least he had evidence for everything he talks about). However my (ex) stepmother just keep trying to spread slander about my father every time she gets a chance. My brothers are getting tired of defending him at church which other gossiping hens that can’t keep their “holy” mouths shut.

I just hope that she doesn’t get the every other week or every weekend . . . they like flying, fishing, hunting and other things with my father. . . she doesn’t do much them as she just doesn’t get them. (For more about this show/situation )

After April 25th I just hope this will all be over.

The show “Mother Knows Best”: It’s in reruns as my mother still hasn’t found a job, but we all know she isn’t looking using her age and limited experience as the two biggest excuses not to look.  My brother is annoyed by my mom, but I told it had waited at the home; it would have been better, but he didn’t want to hear it. New episode: Indian giver: They tried to help us renew our magic jack (Internet phone), but when site wouldn’t take their credit card; they took the money back to get lottery, cigs and gas.

This show will not re-air until at least May 2nd.  (This describe the true nature of my 26 year old brother

The show “As Our Friends’ World Turn:” The big guy keeps breaking stuff; we have found several items that are broke after they left in a hush. The more I help a few friends of ours clean their house, I realize that our other friends are really slobs and only clean for company when they have to . . . I also do not like boxers (the dogs, not the underwear, I love the underwear, especially silky boxers.) those dogs look malnourished and they really stink if not properly taken care of . . . not mention they like to jump on me and nib my fingers. . . I like dogs with a longer snout. My favorite dogs are Corgis, Keeshonds, Huskies, and Collies. I really am more of a cat person. . .  (Want more about this situation )

Spiritual Edge

I am adding a section. . . I am very spiritual person and I am trying find a balance of body, spirit, and mind this year.

I believe in many elements of different religions and spiritual beliefs. . . (click here if you would like to read more )

Anyway I thought I would end each edition with something spiritual or special to me.

I think I need to be grateful for what I have right now as I have been wanting things (like a Mp3 player, to lose my stomach weight, a baby, Tom and I to accomplish our fantasies and goals etc). I am a very blessed person and I will have it better than I know.

25 Things I am grateful for April 17, 2011

  1. I have beautiful to accomplish all of my things to-do.
  2. I have a understanding, talented, sweet boyfriend who supports and motivates me. (He will also put me in my place when I need it.)
  3. Facebook, Livejournal, Experience project and other place where I can express myself.
  4. Places I can hang out when I want to get out
  5. Friends that live so close
  6. Sunshine
  7. Facebook and Pogo games: Yoville, Cityville, Oregon Trail, Backyard Monsters, Café world, and Yahtzee.
  8. Music: Rock, pop, slow love songs. . . it’s all good!
  9. Ideas and imagination. . . they are my life
  10. Ice Water
  11. Soda: Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Sunkist, Barq’s Rootbeer and 7up
  12.  Dinning out
  13. Italian and Asian food. . . yummy
  14. Baked goodies
  15. Anne Rice Vampire Chronicle (for writing what vampires should be seductive on the outside but blood craving monster on the inside)
  16. Stephen King I love your scary writing
  17. J.K Rowling Encouragement that I too can see my fame in my own writing.
  18. Lilacs: the color and smell
  19. bubble baths
  20. SEX. . . it feels so good. (If doesn’t then you aren’t doing something right.)
  21. My own time
  22. Cute babies
  23. Laughter (It is the best medicine)
  24.  Pen and paper
  25. The moment were I realize I really do have it good, great even.

Rebekah’s News © April 2011

vampires, weird, frustrations, busy, growing up, nanowrimo, motivation, cooking, lust, lists, time, life changes, boyfriend, me, creative, insanity, spirituality, step-mother, mom, weakness, new age, lifestyle challenges, stress, hopes, wants, anne rice, facebook, cats, divorce, stephen king, webpages, appreciation, family, challenge, brother, stepmother, friends, love, positive thinking, cleaning, fantasy, video games, ideas, analyzing, frustration, loneliness, updates, life, weird analyzing, father, theories, baby, thoughts, drama, 2011, my writings, fears, april, letting go, distraction, books, hopeful, enjoyment

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