{MM} November

Dec 04, 2012 16:33

November Transcripts:
  • nil

November 6   Becca: It was bigger than Courtney! Courtney: I AM NOT A DAMN RULER!!! USE A RULER!!!!     November 8   Sarah: I wonder what the etymological origin of “nah-uh” is? Courtney: I believe it is Viking… for no. Sarah: *with accent* Naaaaaaaaaaarr-uhhhhhhh     November 10 “THE LAWS OF BIOLOGY DO NOT APPLY TO FACE-BABIES!! #notatramp” - Courtney     November 11
    November 15

  “I have too much hat. I don’t need that much hat. I could legitimately grow an afro… or a small garden. WHO HAS THIS BIG OF A HEAD?!” - Courtney     November 17 Courtney: …I’m trying to think of more boob jokes. Sarah: Don’t worry. They’ll grow on you. November 18 Courtney: …I’m a little concerned that @rebeccavoy is high Becca: ONLY ON LIFE, MY FRIEND!! Courtney: but also… crack.  

Sarah kindly points out that she is now in the lead
    November 23
    November 25 “I dropped a knife on my foot, not a chicken… I didn’t tell you about that one, did I?” - Sez     Sez: I got distracted. By WebMD. Becca: SEZZY! GET OFF THAT SITE. You’re banned. Sez: I’m going to diagnose you. What are your symptoms? Becca: Sezzy. No. Sez: Grumpiness. Irritability… Becca: Go diagnose someone else. Sez: *looks at Courtney* …shortness. Courtney: YOU COULDN’T HAVE TAKEN ONE FOR THE TEAM. YOU HAD ONE JOB.        

Becca in her new role as Sezzy’s personal Jimminy Cricket
  Courtney: Do you have a wife? Siri: Do I have a family? Well… I have you. Courtney: That’s awkward, Siri. That’s awkward.    
November 27

  Lauren: ALL THE COLOURING BOOKS! Becca: Oh Lauren. You’re adorable. Favourite photo of you ever. Lauren: Someone bring me tea, my notebook and Myka… I mean a blanket for warmth.     November 28 Sarah: NO NO NO THAT’S NOT A WORD. NO. DON’T. Elaine: When did you start studying cultural studies! ;) Academia loves to make up words! I’ve made up at least seven of my own now ;) Sarah: Drama ain’t just pretending to be trees!! Elaine: IT’S ALL ABOUT THOSE HETEROPATRIARCHAL TREES!        

Courtney and the skype-monocle
  November 30

Because Sarah is going to kidnap Willow eventually.

Courtney proving that she would, in fact, fit in the packing box

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flist: sarah_dude, flist: sez101, flist: el_anana, flist: gainesm, monthly madness, flist: thefifthsister, flist: mynameisme91, flist: sanctuary_sarah

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