It seems the gods want me to eat more vegetables

Jun 04, 2008 08:12

When mcsassypants mentioned she just got her first CSA newsletter, I realized that I hadn't looked for one here yet. Given that I live in western Washington, odds are very good that there is one with a convenient drop site (the ones in the Boston area were all a bit far). CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and it's a subscription service. You sign up at the beginning of the season, give them some money, and the farmers bring you a box of vegetables every week. It's an awesome system. You have lots of vegetables all summer with minimal effort on your part, the money goes directly to the farmers, the veggies are very fresh, and you try things you might not otherwise have tried. So I look up Seattle-area CSA's. As it happens, there is an organic farm with a very convenient drop site. The drop site is not merely very close to my husband's place of employment, it is actually at WotC. Not only that, the season goes June-October (dates vary depending on the harvest), and it appears not to have started yet. It's $600 for a 20-week season. I probably spend more than $600 on produce over the course of five months. And it will almost certainly save money in the form of keeping me from needing to go to the grocery store as often, thus limiting the opportunities for me to buy shiny but unnecessary things. I am not, you may recall, the most disciplined of shoppers.


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