Concepción Arenal´s bilingual program online

Nov 19, 2009 14:30

Ángel and I are working on a blog and a website about the bilingual program here at the school if you are interested in checking out the links.


Website: to come soon!

Also of interest, here is the website for CEIP Concepción Arenal:

I´d also like to mention that the kids have an impressive vocabulary. Today we were going over phonetics- the kids were able to brainstorm about 12 words with the "a" sound (as in "cat") and about 22 words with the "s" sound. And of course they know many other words besides those! I imagine they know around 50 words right now, not inculding the fact that they know the numbers 0-99! Pretty cool- when I was their age, in Spanish I only knew 1-10, hola, adios, gracias.... and that´s it.

Well I have to go back to work!

Hasta otra!


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