Rebecca gets things done. Eventually.

Jan 23, 2010 23:01

Sara and I have been very caught up in Conan O'Brien's late-night drama. We watched his show every night this week, and I'm almost tempted to watch Leno's first show back just to boo him when he enters. (Seriously, has anybody ever liked that douchebag, or found him funny? Even Carson didn't want him to get the show!) Conan's farewell show last night was surprisingly heartfelt and touching. I've been watching him since I was about 12, and I still have a fan letter that I wrote to him when I was 14 (but never mailed, and thank goodness for that, because it's horrifyingly badly-written and cheesey).

This week I finally did what I've been meaning to do for so long and opened a CD. I got a damn good rate on it, and it matures in just six months! It's the first real step I've taken to me and Sara buying a second vehicle. Even if I have to roll pennies and collect cans every day -- and I probably will -- I really want to make this happen. (Besides, as long as Grandma is still alive, there's no way I'll ever go hungry. She called me just today begging me to come over and eat spaghetti. Unfortunately I was stuck at work all day, but maybe tomorrow.) Sharing the truck between us has been so damn hard, sometimes I just want to cry. I mean, how are we supposed to go anywhere or do anything when just getting to and from work is hard?

Tonight I finished reading Crow Lake, this good book Sara forced me to read lent me. Next I'd really like to read Plain Beautiful, which is a biography of former child actress Peggy Ann Garner that gotten some good reviews, but I can't find a cheap copy of it. Maybe I'll buy it with my tax refund. It feels a lot closer than it seems, because the tax software at our store has been selling like crazy. I usually wait until April to file mine. Are the pants I bought for work tax deductible?

P.S. Okay, Jay Leno has one (one!) endearing quality. He's done some super adorable interviews with Abigail Breslin.

problems, books, random

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