Rebecca's having Christmas in July!

Jul 15, 2009 23:22

I finally made it to Goodwill today and bought myself two pairs of jeans. I had gotten down to only one good pair of jean pants, and I pretty much don't go out in anything but. The only problem is that they're terribly stiff, so I've been doing squats and stuff in them to break them in.

While at Goodwill, I also found two movies with child actresses: Miracle on 34th Street (1947), with Natalie Wood, and Miracle on 34th Street (1994), with Mara Wilson. The original is probably my all-time favorite Christmas movie. The remake I haven't seen in a long time, but from what I remember, it wasn't nearly as good. (But isn't that always the case with remakes?) It seemed to be more of dubbed-down kiddie movie, while the original was more of an adult drama. I plan to watch each on the actresses' upcoming birthdays: Natalie Wood would be 71 on July 20, and Mara Wilson will be 22 on July 24.

In similar news, OMG I've got to see this movie! Maybe it'll come to MovieBox.

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I seem to have lost my sunglasses. I hate to buy a new pair (because I'm sure that as soon as I buy a new one, I'll find the pair I lost) but I'll just have to break down and do it, because bike-riding without sunglasses is brutal. I'm trying to wear white shirts only now when I go bike-riding. I had to ride to work early yesterday morning, and Tuesday is trash day in our part of town. Do you know what a bike ride on trash day smells like? Seriously? The Paris metro.

biking, child actresses, random, movies

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