It's Rebecca's birthday! Well, not really...

Sep 14, 2007 00:07

Today Mom took me to her very swanky hair salon in hopes that her stylist could undo some of the damage. My hair is even shorter now, but it's much more pixie-ish and feminine, which I like. It's infinitely better than it looked before, although I'm still not sure if I like it as much as having long hair. Anyway, I feel very relieved and I've finally taken off my Harry Potter baseball cap. But otherwise, today was not so great. Mom and I spent the afternoon running errands, and we were on our way to the hair salon when her SUV got a flat tire, which lead to a lot of yelling and unpleasantness.

Mom had decided that we should celebrate my birthday today, since I won't be here when it actually is my birthday. But she slept this evening and Sara had to work, so my party just consisted of Athena, Adam, and me eating cake and playing video games (Athena tried out our Wii for the first time and was surprisingly good at it). It was fun, but I think that next year I would like to celebrate my birthday at Grandma's house so more people can attend. The best thing was my cake, which not only tasted delicious but also had le drapeau tricolore (a.k.a. the French flag) on it. Formidable!

birthdays, family, days

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