Rebecca collects cans for a living! Don't mock her!

Jul 06, 2008 01:22

Well, Rebecca actually had a fun time for the 4th of July, something she hasn't done in a few years. Uncle John, Aunt Connie, Olivia, Eva, and I drove over to visit a friend of theirs who lives south of town (and apparently outside the city limits). I usually feel uncomfortable visiting people I don't know, but I had a lot of fun. We set off a lot of fireworks, as did the neighbors to the left of, in front of, and behind us (the people to the left of us had the best). Eva was incredibly excited and energetic, as always. Uncle John and I were most amused by the "punks," which are sort of dull-burning sticks that you use to light the real fireworks. We got three of them and moved them really fast to make different shapes, which was really hypnotic. Later we had an ice-cream-eating contest to see who could lick their bowl cleanest. I won; give me a bowl of ice cream, and I can lick it so clean that you could put it back in the cabinet.

Today I went on a very long bike ride downtown and around the lake. I got there just in time to see the sun set over the water, which was beautiful. I'm still collecting cans, so I brought a shopping bag along, because I figured there would be a lot of cans on the ground from last night. There were, but not nearly as many as I had expected. I guess most people actually do use trash cans. Who knew?

I am determined to really start putting more energy into finding a job. I once heard on the John Tesh radio show that when you're unemployed, finding a job is your job. You have to put time into it every day if you want to succeed. (This is why Adam will probably never find a job.)

P.S. Just curious, but is anyone else interested in seeing Abigail Breslin's new movie Kit Kittredge? I adore her, and it's gotten some pretty good reviews. I'm not planning to see it in theaters (cause, you know, I'm broke) but I definitely want to see it after it's released on DVD.

4th of july, biking, summer, fun times

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