Recaps of a month full of record highs for October...

Oct 28, 2024 21:23

Since the days started getting shorter, it's been harder for me to go on a walk everyday. Right now, I'm still squeezing it in between getting home from work and eating dinner, but sometimes it's challenging. I probably won't be able to do it at all after the time falls back (which is about to happen, ugh!), but at least it hasn't been too cold here yet. Aside from a few cold days, this month has been "Hotober" for sure.

The cats are still doing well. Pippa and Esme seem to be good company for each other. Occassionally they do tussle/fight, but it's rare and it never lasts long, so I'm not that concerned. They groom each other pretty regularly.

For Labor Day this year (before I forget), my roommate and I made rice dressing and watched some recent episodes of General Hospital and Law & Order: SVU. We used to watch those shows all the time back in the '00s, and we sometimes still watch the old episodes, but neither of us has watched any of the current stuff in a looong time. It was so different, and we didn't really know what was going on, which made it kinda funny. When Jonathan Jackson (Lucky Spencer) came on, I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out who he actually was until he started talking.

My roommate and I had plans for something fun this month, but that got cancelled at the last minute due to Unforseen Circumstances. We were both so disappointed that I immediately went out and bought the ingredients for our favorite cheese dip to make up for it.

I had another birthday and felt really old. My mom turned the age that I am now in 1992. My grandma turned this age in 1969. Some random quotes that I think about:

Theo van Gogh to his wife Johanna, Dec 28, 1888: "I found Vincent in the hospital in Arles. The people around him realized from his agitation that for the past few days he had been showing symptoms of that most dreadful illness, of madness, and an attack of fièvre chaude, when he injured himself with a razor, was the reason he was taken to hospital. Will he remain insane? The doctors think it possible, but daren't yet say for certain. It should be apparent in a few days' time when he is rested; then we will see whether he is lucid again. He seemed to be all right for a few minutes when I was with him, but lapsed shortly afterwards into his brooding about philosophy and theology. It was terribly sad being there, because from time to time all his grief would well up inside and he would try to weep, but couldn't. Poor fighter and poor, poor sufferer. Nothing can be done to relieve his anguish now, but it is deep and hard for him to bear."

Final lyrics of "Love Will Come to You," by the Indigo Girls:
And I wish her insight to battle love's blindness
Strength from the milk of human kindness
A safe place for all the pieces that scatter
Learn to pretend there's more than love that matters


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