Recap of the first week with three cats in the house.

Jun 16, 2024 11:51

Today marks the end of my first week with three cats in the house. It has been kinda tiring to deal with, but I think Pippa and Esme are making good progress. Since the weather got warmer, we've had problems with Pippa getting fleas and killing birds while she was outside. So we started limiting her outside time, which really highlighted how much more energetic she is than Mayim (who pretty much just lies on her cat-tree 24/7). We looked for a loooong time for a young-ish boy cat who was friendly with other cats, but I guess that's a tall order. So we finally went for another girl cat. I really hope she and Pippa can become friends. I ordered a cat calming diffuser online, and I think we're all counting the days until it gets here!

June 9: Brought Domino home from the animal shelter late this afternoon. Black & white tuxedo cat, ~1 year old, owner surrendered to shelter. Set her up with food, a litterbox, and toys in Sara's room. Was mostly calm and friendly. Didn't eat much dry food (filled her bowl with the same kind as at the shelter) but gobbled up milk and wet food immediately. Liked rubbing against our legs, being petted, and playing with ribbon toy. Allowed her and Pippa to see each other briefly and neither hissed, but didn't let them approach each other yet. Pippa freaked out a little during evening thunderstorm. Possible names Esme, Georgina, Nell, Ozma.

June 10: Left Domino inside Sara's room during the day. Sara texted me: "She was really hyper last night. I don't remember sleeping at all. She kept chewing on the power cords too." Got home from work, let Pippa and Mayim outside and let Domino out of Sara's room. Explored the whole house, not timid or nervous at all, very active playing with wand toys. Allowed some interaction with Pippa while we watched SVU. Some hissing and growling, mostly from Domino, no actual fighting or swatting. Played with wand toys a little in each other's presence but not together. Brushed Pippa later and let Domino sniff the hairball. Brushed Domino a little but she didn't like it too much. Possible names Dinah, Millie, Phoebe.

June 11: Left Domino inside Sara's room again (this will be the plan for a while). Let Pippa outside for a while, then let them both in the living room while we watched King of the Hill and part of Independence Day. Hissing and growling from both of them, but mostly from Pippa this time. She got very riled up, kept trying to sneak up on Domino, hiss in her face, etc., also hissed at me and Sara and tried to scratch us. I got the spray bottle but separation is better than punishment/negative association. Didn't see any swatting but did put Domino back in Sara's room. She did well considering all this provocation.

June 12: Changed plans and kept Pippa and Domino apart today. Let Domino out and played with her while Pippa was outside/in my room, played with Pippa while Domino was in Sara's room. Domino was a little more hesitant to come out and play, kept looking around for Pippa. Fed them both treats at the bottom of my and Sara's doors. Hissed at each other through the door a few times but this is a calmer arrangement. Domino scratched my face today and yesterday when I leaned in too close to her. Trying to decide between Esme and Dinah.

June 13-14: Continued keeping Pippa and Esme apart and giving them both wet food/treats at the bottom of Sara's closed door. Esme feels safe in Sara's room and loves to jump/play with toys there but more cautious when she's outside that room. Strong appetite for wet food/treats but no apparent weight gain yet. Occassionally she and Esme saw each other and hissed, but not very much. Domino is now officially Esme, and I think her coat is looking sleeker and smoother.

June 14 11pm: Esme escaped from Sara's room when she went to the bathroom. She and Pippa were in the living room together for a little while, played and ate near each other and didn't hiss; good sign of progress.

June 15: Lots of time spent refereeing Pippa and Esme's interaction in the evening. They played and ate in each other's company and had calm stretches of time, but Pippa kept trying to run up to Esme's face, which freaked her out and made her hiss. Bought cat-calming treats at PetSmart today (Pet Honesty brand with thiamine and chamomile) and gave them each three, Mayim one.

Short Personal P.S. Currently reading A Handful of Stars and Inland. Might have finally wrecked my right foot due to spreading my toes too much (fun).


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