Rebecca's recap of the Oscars and other March things.

Mar 23, 2024 21:19

Sara and I had a good time watching The Oscars this year. We didn't have Athena with us and didn't play Oscar Bingo like we did last year, but we did make our favorite cheese dip and buy a cookie cake. I bought an old Oscar issue of People magazine (1998), and Sara bought the one for this year. A few random notes about the show:
  • I cracked up so hard at Arnold Schwarzanegger and Danny Devito presenting together, making Batman references, and then spotting Michael Keaton in the audience. Also loved Jimmy Kimmel auctioning Ryan Gosling's Ken pants to Bradley Cooper's mother.
  • John Cena's nude bit could've been funny, but it went on for too long that it just felt stupid and embarrassing to watch.
  • When Nicolas Cage mentioned Daniel Day-Lewis when presenting the award for Best Actor, I said, "Hey, he compared him to DDL, that's high praise." Sara: "THE HIGHEST PRAISE!"
  • Emma Stone's acceptance speech was good, and Sara especially loves it when there are actual real surprises in the show (which are so rare nowadays). But we agreed that if there's one thing the Academy hates, it's giving the Best Actress award to a woman of color.
I usually don't watch too many Oscar movies, but this year, I saw Barbie, The Holdovers (very good), Nyad, Poor Things (which I really didn't care for, although Mark Ruffalo was funny), and The Zone of Interest.

I took the day after the Oscars off work, and I actually got some things accomplished. I read, went to the dentist (no cavities!!!), got an oil change on my car, went out to eat at my favorite pizza buffet place, and went to a park that I'd never been to before. It's right by the river with some really pretty views, and the spring weather was so perfect with all the redbuds and Bradford Pear trees blooming. That one day off sure does feel like a long time ago, now, though. The new system at work has been a stressful adjustment for everybody.

Also in March, Sara and I went to a concert (on a weeknight! luckily we still got home at a decent hour), and the cats are doing a little better at getting along. We finally set up the big deck umbrella that Mom got us for Christmas/Hanukkah. I'm hoping to get the yard looking better over this spring/summer, although it still seems so ugly that sometimes it's depressing just to look at it. Hard to believe that it's been almost one year since the tornado hit!!!

Currently reading Betsy's Wedding and A Mother's Reckoning.

award shows

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