Between the Purim schpiel on Tuesday night, the Star Trek club meeting on Wednesday night, and a very long work day on Thursday night, this week has flown right by. I was hesitant about going to the Purim schpiel, because it was supposed to include a dinner, and I'm a pretty picky-eater with pretty bad table manners. :\ (If I go to a restaurant, I can almost always find something on the menu that I'll eat, but when I go to a dinner where just one thing is being served, it's almost always something I don't like.) Then I discovered that the temple had a option to skip dinner and just come for the show, which worked out perfectly! The show was called “Hebrew Girl.” It was performed by members of the Temple choir and Rabbi B (who is a great rabbi, but not a good singer). They rewrote the lyrics of different Billy Joel songs to tell the Purim story, and it was very smart and funny. The performers were very impressive, especially the man who played Haman, who was Oscar-worthy! I had so much fun singing along, eating hamantashen, and clacking my grogger. One of my Sassy Jewish Grandmothers was there in a costume - a nun's habit! Hahaha!
On Tuesday night, the Star Trek club held its monthly meeting at an Italian restaurant downtown. The library where we usually meet is undergoing repair. It was kinda smokey and loud, but the pizza was good, and amazingly, I was able to find the place okay. The topic for this month was a discussion of Star Trek culture, and it was pretty interesting. Next month, we start meeting at the library right down the street from my apartment!
This week, the weather finally warmed up enough that I could dust off my bike and go for a ride! Shehekinau! On Friday, I rode my bike to services for the first time in... waaay too long. It was tough biking up all those hills on the way there, but I did much better than I expected to, considering how out-of-practice I am. The only bad moment was on the bike ride home, when my chain popped off the axle. I'm usually pretty good at getting it back on, but this time, it took me forever, and in the process, I got my finger caught in the chain and got a pretty nasty cut on it. Ugh. But no matter how much better I might get at biking uphill, there's one incline on the way to temple that I'll probably always have to get off my bike and walk up. It's just too steep and high.
I went for another bike ride today and took some photos of all the blooming Bradford Pear trees. In my old neighborhood in Louisiana, there was
one lonely Bradford Pear that had blossoms in the spring and changing leaves in the fall, but here, the streets are full of them! They've been so pretty, and I took a lot of photos today, which I'll post here as soon as I've found time to upload and edit them. I've found a nice bike route through my neighborhood that isn't long, but has a good mix of level ground and inclines, and my goal is to bike it once or twice a week. Biking up and down hills has just got to get easier at some point - because if it doesn't, I might have to upgrade to a bike with gears!