In which Rebecca dares to hope that spring is on the way!

Feb 18, 2014 19:30

I've been a fan of Shirley Temple for a long time. I have a few of her movies and a copy of her autobiography. For the last few years, I've had a Google Alert on her name. Last Tuesday, I was checking my e-mail during lunch, and my inbox had exploded with Shirley Temple Google Alerts. I gasped outloud before I'd even clicked on them, because why else would an 85-year-old woman suddenly be making news? I can't say I was surprised, but I was still very sad. I just love her movies. I rewatched one of my favorites, Captain January, that evening. I know she'll be in the en memorium montage at the Oscars. I just wish I knew for sure that some current young actress was going to the ceremony this year!

At the end of last week, the weather here finally warmed up! Shehekianu! It's been cold, icy, and snowy for so long that I thought winter would last forever. But this weekend was so sunny and warm! It was a great day to hit the dog-park at the animal shelter, so I did... and apparently, so did every other volunteer! The shelter was as crowded as I'd ever seen it, which made taking the dogs out to play a little difficult, but I still enjoyed it. I teamed up with another lady, and together, we coaxed Dessa, who was timid to the point of terrified, out of her kennel and outside.

Beautiful Dessa in the sunshine
Once in the dog-park, she enjoyed running around in the nice weather, but I wish that getting out there wasn't so hard for her. I so wish I could adopt her and another dog, Cisco: he's old, about the same age that Sable was when he died, and he reminds me a lot of Sable in how old, lethargic, and sweet-natured he is. There's something so sad to me about such old dogs in an animal shelter.

spring, animal shelter volunteering, child actresses

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