This Jewish girl had a very enjoyable Christmas. We never did go out and see Saving Mr. Banks like we meant to, but it was still a good day. I slept in. Lazed around. Played with the cats. For the last few years, Sara and I have cooked ourselves a BIG breakfast on Christmas Day, and we did it again this year. Of course, we slept in so late that we didn't eat it until the afternoon, but it was just as yummy -- chocolate milk, buttermilk biscuits, scrambled eggs, and bacon! Then we watched parts of Sara's gifts (I got her a season of Law & Order and Jem and the Holograms) and Adam's gifts (he got me Star Trek: First Contact). I guess
some things do change: this year, Adam got both me and Sara nice gifts that we wanted and that he actually spent money on.
Mom shipped us a box of Christmas presents for Sara earlier this week (and a few belated Hanukkah presents for me). I pulled a big peppermint-pattern ribbon off some spatulas she gave us and wrapped it around Mayim's neck. (Tovah would've scratched my eyes out if I'd tried to put it on her, but Mayim didn't even seem to notice.) Then I plopped her down in a FedEx box full of wrapping paper. Oh, my word. She was the CUTEST thing EVER. Seriously. I let my scrambled eggs burn on the stove because I was too busy taking pictures of her. (My dad would be so ashamed! For some reason, that man was obsessed with teaching me how to scramble eggs perfectly. I can still hear his voice in my head whenever I cook them.)
I know she doesn't look happy here, but then I put a catnip toy in the box with her. :)
You can kinda see here how FAT she is. We won't be able to pick her up soon!
Adam also got me a Cliff's Notes on Les Miserables, and I love it! I just started reading it, and it's already helped a lot in how well I understand The Brick. And when you write as much Les Mis fanfiction as I do, you need a quick reference like this.
I'll leave y'all with a video for an old Christmas carol, "Tomorrow Will Be My Dancing Day." I fell asleep with my radio on the classical music station last night, which of course was playing all Christmas carols. This was the last one I heard before I dozed off, and it's been stuck in my head all day.
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