The colors of Rebecca's world are changing, day by day...

Oct 03, 2013 22:21

This is my second week at the new job. I think I'm catching onto most things pretty quickly, but I do feel kinda stupid when my coworkers can figure things out or finish jobs so much quicker than I can. Some random notes:

~ I'm thinking about getting some sort of workout contraption to help me get some muscle in my upper body. I've always had such puny arms, and there are a few heavy/cumbersome things to lift at work (big reams of big paper, printer trays, shipping packages). I hate feeling like I'm struggling with something, especially in front of coworkers; it makes me feel so self-conscious. Hopefully with more time, I'll be able to get a better grip on stuff.

~ Speaking of self-consciousness, I also need to buy some more fitted shirts. Most of the nicer shirts I have right now are kinda loose, and I have to do a lot of leaning forward. (Whoever thought I would miss wearing a uniform at my old job? At least there I didn't have to worry about stuff like this.) The business has a small staff, and aside from one other woman (whom I don't personally interact with a lot), all my coworkers are men.

~ And in a crazy coincidence, the coworker that I interact with the most is an even bigger Les Miserables fan than me! He has a son named Valjean! He told me that he's more into the book than the musical, but when I started humming "Look Down" one day, he started humming right along with me and talking about how gross Hugh Jackman's teeth were. My birthday is coming up, and I'm finally going to break down and buy a copy of the book for myself. Bring on the plot-bunnies!

~ The manager's dog that he brings to work everyday is named Kalev, the Hebrew version of Caleb, which means dog, although baby-name books sometimes incorrectly claim it means loyal (I can't help it, I live with Sara!). Anyway, this was the exchange when he told me his name...
Me: Kahless? Like the Klingon Jesus on Star Trek?
Boss Man: [staring at me like I'm crazy] Uh, no, Kalev, like the Hebrew word for dog.
Ugh, so embarrassing. I don't think it was one of the best first exchanges to have with my new boss.

This week was also Cote de Pablo's last episode of NCIS. The episode wasn't great, but Ziva's last scene was better than I'd expected, and I'll admit it even made me a little emotional. I like that we didn't hear the conversation between her and Gibbs; it reminded me a lot of how we didn't hear what Gibbs said to her at the end of Good Cop, Bad Cop. It also gives all us fanfic writers a chance to write our own takes on their conversation. I'm going to miss her.

work: rcp, ncis s11

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