Please pray for Rebecca's sanity this week!

Aug 18, 2013 21:24

I haven't posted lately because, well, today is August 18. Public school starts tomorrow. Ugh. I really am trying to be patient, but patience has never been my strongest point, and as a veteran of this time of year, I can sometimes get really frustrated by coworkers who don't know how to handle it as well as I do. It's stressful at work and stressful to come home to a hissing cat. Tovah has made progress in sharing her home with Mayim, but she still has a ways to go. She's such a stubborn cat. We're looking for a pet-sitter for when we go home for Labor Day.

Thank goodness I have fanfiction, bike-riding, and crocheting to help me relax. I'm slowly getting better at crocheting kippahs (although I think the correct plural form is kippot?). So far I've hand-crocheted three, two of which are actually recognizable and useable as kippahs. They're all in blue and white, the colors of the Israeli flag, but I'm thinking of buying some red and green yarn and trying to replicate this watermelon kippah I saw back here.

We're going back to Louisiana for Labor Day, and I think I'm going to bring the kippahs I've finished and force them upon give them as gifts to people at my hometown temple. I can't wait to be back there! Only 11 DAYS MORE!

I'll try to be back soon with a less whiny post. For now, signing off and going to bed -- very busy day tomorrow.

whining, back-to-school woes

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