But Rebecca is determined to enjoy it while she can.

Apr 15, 2013 18:25

A couple at our temple got engaged recently, and on Friday evening, we threw them a delicious oneg to celebrate. (I didn't know about this beforehand, or I wouldn't have gone in my oldest jeans and t-shirt.) I stayed there so late eating and talking with everybody. I ate venison (deer meat) for the first time in my life and didn't really like it, even though it had been prepared like brisket. Word of the move has spread to the entire congregation by now, and so many people asked questions about it that I seriously should get the answers printed on a shirt! Thankfully, though, the attempts to guilt-trip me seem to have stopped for now. Hallelujah! I think God heard my prayers.

I was also thrilled to discover that Sarah, one of the kids in our religious school, is also a huge Les Miserables fan! We sang along with the movie soundtrack on her mom's phone until we killed the battery! Which I know was irresponsible of me, but I kinda become an incoherent, squeeing fan-girl whenever Les Mis is involved. It was so much fun; I so rarely find fellow Les Mis freaks to sing along with me. I'm burning Sarah a CD with some tracks from the 25th anniversary concert (i.e., the best Les Mis ever!) right now. The indoctrination has begun...

On Saturday morning, we had a session of religious school, and although it got off to a bumpy start, I really enjoyed this one. We taught the kids to write todah rabah (Hebrew for merci beaucoup) and had them write thank-you cards to the guest teacher who did the matzah-holder project with them, which I unfortunately missed. We also took the kids' photo in front of our fig tree that we planted for Tu Bish'vat last year. I broke my camera just in time and had to use the crappy one on my phone. It was such an ongoing battle between me and the horrible morning sunflare, but oh, those smiling faces...

Both the kids and the tree have already grown so much!

Practicing writing todah rabah -- Jewish education at its finest!
I'm not gonna lie -- I had so much fun at both that I came home and cried over leaving that temple. They have been such a second family to me. How will I ever fit in as well anywhere else? How will I ever find another congregation as warm and welcoming as this one has been?

I should stop whining and get to work. I have to pack, practice for my lay-leader service (THIS FRIDAY!), and come up with a dessert to bring to the Yom HaShoah memorial. This is gonna be a busy week!

les miserables, pictures, religious school, fun times

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