And my sister made me brownies because I set the whole thing up.

Apr 04, 2011 21:57

If you're wondering why I've been so absent from the blog word recently, our computer crashed last Friday. No one was really surprised, because it had been on its last legs for a while (in its defense, it was +6 years old) but it still sucked that it croaked so suddenly. Although it might have been repairable, we really didn't think it was worth the trouble, and I'd been dying for Windows 7 ever since my mom got her new computer. So here I am, posting from... our new laptop!

I just got it set up this morning, so we're still getting the hang of it, but it's freaking awesome! It's so fast, and WordPad and Bitmap Paint have gotten damn swanky. I uploaded some pictures from my camera and set them as my background image, to change every three minutes. (Yes, Rebecca is in geek heaven!) I had most of my files saved on a flash drive, so the only major loss was my iTunes library. I have to start over from scratch, and right now I'm importing several CDs. (I'm hoping I can go over to CJ & Co's sometime this week and copy some songs onto a flash drive? Guys, if you're reading this?)

I'd had a little money saved up for a rainy day, so it didn't put me in the red, but I sure wish this hadn't come right after my first car crash.

Tomorrow is a new episode of NCIS, and the preview showed Gibbs asking EJ if she was sleeping with Tony (zomg!) ... but Rebecca will likely miss it (boo!) ... because my Jewish grandmother asked me to attend a meeting of the women's organization at our temple (yay!).

picture, white & nerdy

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