An Afternoon at the Creek {Wordless Wednesday}

Mar 30, 2011 22:03

I know most of these pictures came out badly. Don't ask me why.

"That's right, officer, she was riding her bike down the middle of the street while taking pictures of her uncle, who was also riding a bike down the middle of the street. They just never saw that oncoming SUV."

The view of the creek from the bridge. Yes, there are other names for it (like drainage canal, ditch, and gutter) but I call it a creek because this stretch of it really was quite picturesque.

The view from the bank. There was almost no litter at all!

Eva on a little island in a wide part of the creek. She posed for one picture for me...

... and spent the rest of her time running up and down the banks. There was no stopping her!

Meanwhile, Rebecca reverted back to age 6 and pretended she was in the Hundred Acre Wood playing Pooh Sticks.

Eva trying to find a way across the water.

She did not fall, even though those rocks were very slippery. It makes me think of Maria stepping across the stream in the opening of The Sound of Music.

That huge silver thing around my neck is my dogtag and my Star of David pendant. My Star of David is very big, and the six points are razor-sharp!

Eva and her dad riding their bikes back home.

(not really) wordless wednesday, fun times

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