Nov 20, 2008 17:51
Woah... I rarely update this thing... it'd probably be better for me if I did... I really do bottle things up to much for my own good! Although, tbh, I've not really been up to a great deal recently, apart from school - which sucks as usual.
Hmm, Mondayy was pretty dodgyy this week. First period I had to finish the questions from the assessed practical we did last week and guess which blonde spent her time she'd put aside for revision chatting to people on MSN, so forgot to look through how to do the calculations for calculating what base I used for creating the standard solution I then titrated... and I'm 99% sure that I got the end calculation completely and utterly wrong!
Then second period that day, I went into Stats to find out that the teacher had made us a surprise test, well thankyeww miss, just what I wannted! So yeah, my whole class skipped like all of the questionsss so she'll probably kill us on Wednesday. Not that I overly care, because I hate her and she's really incapable of teaching because she has the whole attitude of 'I'm right, okay, I don;t care if you don;t think I am, I am' and when we checked with another one of our maths teachers guessed who was right? Us lot.
Not a lot else happened I don't think... just nearly froze to death because the sixth form block doesn't know the definition of heating!
Tuesday was odd, it started off really well... I had French first and we're started to learn about the internet etc. and the funniest part is that our teacher is quite old so she's like 'you're going to have to teach me what I'm teaching you' xD So she made the people in the class explain to her what a blog was and she was like 'What is the point... you may as well... well not bother!' Bless her... I think we may be starting Facebook tomorrow, what fun that'll be!
Hmm, oh then I had the French Assistant... and gawd I hate her and I was having an awful day, I had paid so much attention during proper french to the point that when it got to seeing her I'd used up my French, so she got all stressy with me ><
Then we had a mock maths exam, which I had barely revised for and then my teacher had a mega stress at the whole class about the lack of work we complete blahblahblah. Which I have a feeling was aimed quite a lot at me, I had her last year so she knows that I know I can get away without completing the hwk for her and I have quite a relaxed attitude towards her lessons.
On teh plus side, I spent my free playing Unoo.... and it was hilarious :P
Yesterdayy was boring. Can't recall anything decent happening... I had 6 lessons... that was it! :P
Today just sucked though!! We had the day off timetable to do a stupid beliefs day - it was all to do with the EU and last focus day I was in a fairly decent group and we did sod all. But today the teacher we ended up with was likee 'your group is very girl orientated' so made me and my friend change to the other group... so I ended up with a boy who wanted us to complete all the work... GRR! xD The task we had to do was what we would pass lawise as the UK and via email we got all the things we had to agree on. The boy then designated us jobs/opinions we were meant to give. I ended up with having to be the British public so I had great fun being as closed minded as possible! And thus wrote opposing views to everything I honestly believed xD And we managed to complete all of the work within like 2/3s of the time so spent the last bit playing cards, which kinda rawkkedd, seeing as we were playing Cheat and no-one picked up that I was lying all of the time!!! It was goood ^^ Oooh, we had a speaker first as well, and she was a politician, so the whole of the year we like attacking her for everything she was saying, it was hilarious!
I also had critical thinking afterschool, which was good because there was only 7 of us and because of focus day I was in a really vocal mood and I was sitting in between two people to whom I don't really like and had quite opposing views to, so I got to argue with them by having an actual reason to do so! LOL
Sooo, random updatee... Just to let you know that Bec is still alive!
school work,