009. Random Quiz Thing

Nov 02, 2008 01:10

I stole this from cammokitty

Elaborate on your default icon.
It's nothing really that important, just my favourite icon that I've made myself. I love how soft it is!

What's your current relationship status?
Single... unfortunately I can't see it changing any time soon.

Ever have a near-death experience?
I don't think so.

Name an obvious quality you have.
Being extremely boring?

What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
No idea what it's called, but that 'An em and em' song... you know the one, right?

Any celeb you would marry?
I don't think so... Anyone that asked tbh!

Who will cut and paste this first?

Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?

Do you wear a watch? What kind?
Yeah, I do... A worn pink M&S one which I got after losing my old one somewhere in the LSE.

Do you have anything pierced?
Both ears are pierced twice and I'd love have my belly button done... my stomach is just not flat enough to be revealed to the world!

Do you have any tattoos?
Nope, and I don't plan on getting one any time soon!

Do you like pain?

Do you like to shop?
Yus! But I never have any money so I haven't been in like forever!

What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
Hmm, Maltesers and a Sprite at the cinema on Weds.

What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card?
Nothing because I don't own one!

What is your desktop background?
Just one that came with Windows Vista, I really need to change it but I have no idea what to!

What is the background on your cell phone?
A pink picture of me.... what? I'm vain!

Do you like redheads?
I don't mind them... half of my family are red heads...

Do you know any twins?
Yus, quite a few, my granddad is a twin and when I started my secondary school we had 5 sets of twins in our year!

Do you have any weird relatives?
No weirder than other people's....

What was the last movie you watched?
Worryingly, I think it was High School Musical 3 on Weds...

What was the last book you read?
I really don't think I've read anything since Breaking Dawn, when that first came out.

Is there such a thing as love at first sight, or is it more likely to be "lust at first sight"?
Hmm, seeing as I've never experienced love... I don't think I can say, but's it probably more inclined to be 'lust'.

What's your favorite novel?
I really don't have one.

When was the last time you visited the street where you first lived?
Whenever it was that we moved out of there, what 8/9 years ago? Scrap that, Christie is 10... so 10/11 years ago.

Do you read your horoscope?
I used to read it everyday, now I just don't bother.

Who's your favorite of the seven dwarves?
I actually have no idea because I've never really watched Snow White!

What was your favorite subject at school?
Hmm, either Maths or Chemistry... hard to decide!

What was your least favorite subject at school?
English.English.English. Although I never liked PE....

Do you like having your photograph taken?
I actually do, I just give off the impression that I hate it!

What time were you born?

Ever seriously questioned your sanity?
Yes, quite frequently.

How many phone numbers do you have remembered and can say off the top of your head?
Hmm, Home, Mum, Dad, Abi [even though I'm no longer friends with her!] Zoe, Julie.... around 7?

Can you Limbo?

Have you ever killed your own dinner?
Er, no, I haven't.

What phobias do you have?
Fire, heights, spiders, the dark, dying alone, failing at life....

What's your ideal breakfast?
No idea, tbh.

Where are you right now?
In my bed, wrapped up in my cover in the pitch black because it's half one in the morning!

If you could suddenly get the skill to play any single musical instrument, which would you choose?
I have no idea... I've always loved the flute, but that sounds a bit dorkish now!

Why do you blog?
Because I love writing stuff to give off my emotions, it's actually unbelievable how many rants I had saved on my old laptop.

Do you have any prejudices you're willing to acknowledge?
Meh, I judge everyone. I just don't discriminate against someone.... well too often, anyway!

What's the longest time you've stayed out of the country/where?
4 days when I went to Berlin with my school last March/April.

Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc...?
I use MSN.... I'm constantly logged on!

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Hmm, probably not because I'm awfully boring!

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