Summertime, and the fandom is easy...

Jul 16, 2011 01:06

The whole family, plus friends, is heading out to San Diego Comic-Con in a few days. I’ve got an extra 4-day + preview night youth (17 and under) pass available for $50 if any of you wants it, but if not, I’m just going to request a refund. I expect to be completely overwhelmed by the Total Fandom Experience of it all. Wish me luck.

It’s already begun, in some ways... )

fandom rl, awards/noms, theater

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rebcake July 16 2011, 17:08:18 UTC
It's been almost as fun as yours, I think! (Looks like you survived the Cat ride. Hurrah?)

The Comic-Con experience has turned into a logistical nightmare. 4-day passes that include preview night for this year sold out at last year's con, for instance. We go under MiAmor's professional credentials, but even so, it took whining and string-pulling to get me in this year, as they had run out of space for adult guests of professionals in February.

In addition, hotel rooms are ridiculously expensive and hard to get. We have been staying with friends for the last few years, but I don't know how people do it, otherwise.

Also, there is a slight problem in the way the programming is set up, in that everybody attending is into exactly the same thing that you are, and it's gotten to the tipping point, I think. Three years ago, we ran into Felicia Day in the registration area and chatted. The next year, we didn't quite make it for her first-thing-in-the-morning Guild panel, and missed getting into the small room by a couple dozen people. Last year, they had the Guild panel in a room that holds +1,000 people, and the line was triple-deep all up and down the wharf beside the hotel where it was held. So, unless you enjoy spending a lot of your day standing in line, I recommend trying out WonderCon in SF next spring instead. /rant

This year, I plan to attend only the smallest panels with no lines, and spend the rest of the time gawking at people in costume. Wish me luck!


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