Aug 28, 2007 20:40
Okay, the lack of posts over the past couple weeks hasn't been entirely my fault: I've been away from a computer for some time. Now, however, I'm back in the saddle and ready to update!
I am at last moved and settled into my room in Arlington. I'm in a house with four other City Year folks: Aaron, Corey, Travis, and Samantha. We all had dinner tonight (I prepared fajitas for everyone!), and it was a wonderful meal! I was expecting people to eat and run, but everyone sat around and chatted for a good while before dispersing. Our weekly meals, I think, are going to be good.
I'm excited about getting started at City Year and to get going with my job as junior youth advisor (6th-8th grades) at Temple Sinai. I have CY orientation tomorrow and a youth advisors dinner meeting on Thursday - so both are getting underway! I have Labor Day off, so things won't get rolling until next week, but by then, I'll finally be able to establish a strong schedule.
In the meantime, I exist in limbo. I'm reserving buying groceries until after (A) I return from my weekend in Charlottesville and (B) my food stamps start rolling in. My house mates and I discussed groceries, and we decided largely to be independently communal. That is, we'll each buy our own food, but if it doesn't have a name on it (pancake mix, milk, bread, etc.), we can share so long as we're not hogs about it. This will alleviate potential conflict among certain eating habits such as Samantha's propensity to eat almost entirely pasta and my newfound vegetarianism (newsflash!). I'm really excited about finally grocery shopping for myself (perhaps I'm a bit behind the curve on this one, but my new diet has got me energized). But, all in due time.
So, for the past couple of days, I've been doing a lot of miscellaneous preparatory errands (picking up items from the store, running our signed lease over to the realtors, etc.), reading (I decided to indulge in rereading David Eddings' Belgariad), and watching my graduation gift to myself: The full seven-season DVD set of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It's been a good couple of days. :)
On the other hand, I'm very much looking forward to visiting Charlottesville even though I left there only two days ago. I'm going to be able to go to the first Hillel service and dinner (I think being able to make it to Hillel services is going to be exceptionally rare) and see Jessica on a weekend before she's entirely swamped with work. Plus, I'm a bit nostalgic for the college atmosphere ... at least until my City Year atmosphere starts asserting itself and I can claim my new identity entirely.
So, that's where things stand as they are now. Lined up for the indefinite future: D&D campaign/s(?), Hebrew discussion group every other weekend, youth group activities, City Year, Charlottesville visits, hanging out in DC, and experience out-of-college life. Should be pretty solid. :-) (And, as usual, I'll put in my obligatory statement that I hope to keep LJ updated during this year. We'll see how that goes!)
Travis: "At my highest, I had thirty demerits [in boarding school]."
Samantha: "How'd you have so many?"
Travis: "I have a mouth like a pirate."
Me: "He says 'yarr' a lot."
Corey: "Landlubbers."
Aaron: {explodes into fits of laughter at the word landlubber}
hogshead - a large cask