May 26, 2004 11:00
I went to bed at fouR Last night. I didnt wake up foR cLass. Oh weLL, what can you do about it? It's my Last one anyways. Im a faiLuRe, officaLLy.
I got up to get out of bed and I can hardLy waLk. Its something in my LoweR back Right befoRe my butt on the Left side. Its kiLLing me. Now that I think about it I RemembeR not being abLe to sLeep on my Left side Last night oR my back cause it huRt. This sucks. I feeL Like a LoseR. It betteR stop so I can waLk noRmaLLy. ActuaLLy no, I Lied. Its a sign fRom God saying that I shouLdnt woRk anymoRe...hes giving me an excuse! I hope it neveR goes away!! But it huRts. :(
PLans foR today:
1. TaLk to him
2. CLean my Room
3. Clean my caR
4. Do some sit ups (if my back stops huRting)
5. ShoweR
6. Nap
7. Lame woRk