Im a WhoRe...

May 17, 2004 17:20

... A LivejouRnaL whoRe that is.
I just think that I have too much time on my hands.
I shouLd be using it to cLean my Room again but naw, thats no fun.
Went to cLass today Like a good giRL. Im exicited that its aLmost oveR. ActuaLLy, Im not. That just means moRe woRk foR me. BOO!!

I Lost my waLLet but now it is found. I Left it at Dicks. I think that Im gonna take a tRip down theRe and do some shopping so if anyone is fRee aRound 5ish give me a caLL on the ceLLy and you can join. Gas is on me! :p

I went WAY oveR the ceLL phone biLL again...I need to stop. We aLL know that wiLL neveR happen though.

O M G!! I aLmost foRgot, today at 7/11 I got a CRYSTAL LITE sLuRpy! Now how cooL is that? CrystaL Lite is the Love of my Life. YUMMY
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