May 17, 2004 12:40
1) name- Jennifer
(2) piercings- Two in each ear and my belly button
(3) tattoos- Not yet, but hopefuLLy as soon as I stop being a chicken
(4) height- 5'6 or 5'7. I dont know anymoRe
(5) shoe size- 8 1/2
(6) hair color- Its bRown with bLonde highLites
(7) length- aLL diffeRent ones. Its LayeRed
(8) siblings- 2 bRotheRs and 1 sisteR (mini me)
(9) movie you rented- I dont RemembeR but the Last Rented movie that I watched was "Gothica" with Mr. PhiLL
(10)movie you bought- I dont think Ive eveR boughten a movie. cLothes aRe my fiRst passion.
(11) song you listened to- Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
(12) song that was stuck in your head- I aLways have songs in my head but the Last one was Broken
(13) cd you bought- I bought two...SugaRcuLt and A PeRfect ciRcLe
(14) cd you listened to - One that i made with awesome songs
(15) person you've called- I beLieve it was my huh?
(16) person that's called you- ChRistie she wanted to see if I wanted to woRk tomoRRow oR not...and I dont wanna
(17) tv show you've watched- I havent watched TV foR a whiLe
(18) person you were thinking of- Ive been thinking about a ceRtain peRson ALOT, cRazy stuff. You know who you aRe
(19) you have a bf or gf- No
(20)have a crush on someone-You bet, its actuaLLy a big one
(22) you think about suicide- Ew thats bad. I dont wanna die...I LOVE LIFE
(23) you believe in online dating- Ek I dunno. Its neveR gonna woRk out
(24) others find you attractive- Um...I dunno I dont know what otheR peopLe aRe thinking when they see me.
(25) you want more piercings- I do just because its fun but I wouLdnt know what to peiRce
(26 you drink- OcasionaLLy
(27) you do drugs- No way Jose, thats foR bad peopLe
(28) you smoke- That is so gRoss and its a tuRn off...ewwy
(29) you like cleaning- Not my house oR my Room but I do like to cLean my caR when I have time
(30)you like roller coasters- You bet
(31) you write in cursive or print- pRint, I dont think I can wRite in cuRsive anymoRe, its been too long.
(32) you carry a donor card- I have that LittLe stickeR on my License but I lost my License so thats no good
(33) long distance relationships- You go Long distance ReLationship peopLe!!
(34) using someone- Thats mean and Low
(35) killing people- Depends, haha.
(36) teenage smoking- Smoking is gRoss no matteR what. It shouLd die.
(37) premarital sex- Ask me in peRson and Id Love to TeLL you
(38) driving drunk- Not smaRt
(39) gay/lesbian relationship- Go foR it if thats what you Like
40) soap operas- Against they aRe boRing and Lame
(41) food- If you even have to ask me this you dont know me at aLL... I LOVE CHINESE!!
(42) song- Right now I ReaLLy Like "maps"
(43) thing to do- Shop oR hang out with my fRiends.
(44) thing to talk about- BOYS
(45)Drink-BacaRdi SiLveR
(47) clothes- Anything hot and cute
(48) movie- "FoRRest Gump"
(49) band/singer- Right now that wouLd be Brand New
(50) holiday- my birthday
(51) ever cried over a guy/girl- Yes. But no moRe teaRs...
(52) ever lied to someone- I have, who hasnt?
(53) ever been in a fist fight- Yup, with my bRotheR
(54) ever been arrested- Not yet, haha.
(55) of times I have been in love? Once...
(56) of times I have had my heart broken? A few
(57) of hearts I have broken? I have no idea
(58) of girls I have kissed? I havent kissed a giRl
(59) of boys I have kissed? Um I dont know I dont wanna count
(61) of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life friends? I think 5 or six maybe
(62) of people I consider my enemies? I dont think any
(63) of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? None.
(64) of scars on my body? A Lot Im a RetaRd
(65) of things in my past that I regret? TheRe aRe things that I wish I wouLd neveR have done but I wouLdnt take them back.
(66) disney movie- Toy StoRy
(67) scent- WaRm VaniLLa sugaR
(68) word- Um...I dunno. pRobabaLy "shut up".
(69) nickname-Bifa...and hoe lol
(70) eye color- BLue oR gReen
(71) flower- Roses, my mommy buys them foR me.
(72) piercing- A favorite peircing? I dont know
(73) pretty- At times
(74) funny- No Janelle is funny though
(75) hot- you tell me
(76) friendly- yeah I get aLong with everyone
(77) amusing- haha sometimes when im in the mood
(78) ugly- At times
(79) loveable- Like a teddy beaR...haha
(80) pessimistic- Depends on my mood
(81) optimistic- aLso depends on my mood
(82) caring- Yeah I love eveRyone sometimes
(83) sweet- Ew no.
(84) dorky- Heck yeah.
(85) Spell your first name back wards- refinnej
86) The story behind your user name- Um I just thought of it and it was the FiRst thing that came to mind
(87) Are you straight? Yes
(88) Where do you live? At my house but I want to move out
(89) 4 words that sum you up- um...I dunno...JENNIFER, that sums me up
(90) Wallet- Its gone. I lost it
(91) Hairbrush- Its big
(92) Toothbrush- The cRest one
(91) jewelry worn daily- My Rings
(94) Shoes- My Reefs
(95) Handbag- Its huge it shouLd die.
(96) Favorite shirt- I dont have one
(97) CD in stereo right now- My Mix I made today
(98) What you are wearing now- Jeans and a sweat shiRt. No need to Look hot duRing cLass
(99) Hair- It Looks Like cRap
(100) Make up- Non Right now but I aLways usuaLLy do!
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)-
(101) In my mouth- Um the usuaL. Teeth, tounge aLL that good stuff
(102) In my head- Losts of things
(103) Wishing- Yosemtite didnt exist and neither did work
(104) After this- Gonna go take a test that i missed and am aLLowed to make up because the teacheR Loves me
(105) Talking to- Miss Kendra. She wont eat chinese with me, Im gonna cry
(106) Eating- Wish I was eating CHINESE...yum!
(107) Fetish- Um dunno I have many
(108) Person you wish you were with- HIM
(109) Something you're looking forward to in this up coming month- PhiLL and aLL my fRiends cause its summeR time and we aLL know what that means!
(110) Something you are deathly afraid of- Bees, needLes, dead peopLe and dieing a scaRy death