Feb 06, 2012 10:11
So, in the midst of complaining about how few books I've been reading, I found myself asked how I managed to read so many. After the obligatory "NAW, no way" and feeling chuffed, I thought I'd actually answer the question, because I continually hear my friends bemoan their lack of reading time.
Thing of it is, I don't have a lot of reading time, between my various hobbies (and all the time I waste online). So I've come up with some micro-reading-time habits that I'm quite proud of.
1. I always take a book to the bathroom. Every time. Even if I'm just peeing, I can read a sentence. Otherwise, what am I doing with that time sitting there? May be less useful for guys, since they have to aim and stuff.:P
2. I carry a book with me at all times for waiting periods. Sometimes you just have to wait. To be picked up from work. To see the doctor. To be at the head of the grocery line. I have only once committed the faux pas of reading a book in line for the bookstore, and it wasn't a problem to explain to the clerk.
3. My husband takes longer to brush his teeth, and I read a few sentences in bed between the time I finish and he finishes. Sometimes this has led to staying up too late, but usually Brian comes to bed and I close my book. It's handy to have times with set endings so you don't end up reading all night and not getting Other Stuff Done.(TM)
4. Now that I have an elliptical, I read on it. Books do get sweaty, and I have to keep lifting the book to make sure I'm not going too slow, but in general I find it really helpful. Running for an hour is BORING. Reading a book keeps me doing long workouts I wouldn't otherwise. I don't read when I'm doing a short 'fast as I can' run, though, because it's too hard to do. Maybe some day I'll be able to.
5. While wasting time on the internet, I'll have a book handy so I can read while pages are slow in loading. I used to open OTHER pages while waiting, and that's just counter-productive.
So... there. Those are my strategies. I hope this year I can get back to my usual average of 50 books in a year. Last year's 25 was very disappointing - but I /did/ read "War and Peace". So there ya go.