I have so many things I need to get done by the time I leave here for good - not the least of which is getting everything off Tom's server and cleaning my pig-stye office. Oh, and making some good documentation for the next guy on all the stuff I do.
And yet... all I can think about is the puzzle I'm putting together and eating a nice hot meal tonight and snugling in front of the tv. We're watching "Carnivale" on DVD - got it as a whim purchase and greatly enjoying it.
Go Colts! Oh my god, Go Colts. *sigh* Poor Brownies have to hope for them to win Sunday or they won't be in the playoffs.
Soon, very soon, I will post my year in books. And then the year-end woolgathering and the resolutions. Whee!
For now! I throw down the gauntlet! Ha! Zero errors, too, kitlings! Can you defeat me???
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