Oct 31, 2004 22:00
hey kiddos.. yeah i dont know why i say kiddos but i do.. lemme recap my eventful weekend.. on friday me n markella decided that we wanted to see something scary.. so umm we went and saw the forgotten.. i mean it was an okay movie.. we were sitting next to some girls and they basically scared me the most.. but anyways thats not the point.. after that we met up with dan and rory and we went for beignets... but see markella thought it would be funny to pretend to leave me at the movies.. and some guys started hollering at me and asking if i wanted a ride home and i was like ummm help? so that was cool because me n markella chilled with rory and dan for like a good hour or so... and after that i came home and went ot o bed kinda early because i had a scrimmage the following mornin....
so saturday i woke up at about 8 oclock inorder to get to Hahnville for 9:20... yeha that was interesting me n my mom kinda got lost.. i figured HAhnville high school would be in hahnville and therefore u would take the hahnville exit.. but umm NO.. anyways...so we didnt end up leaving hahnville til about 12 something and i got home at one and cleaned my room and after went to the mall with markella for a little bit... got my report card.. (2 a's,2 b's, 2 c's(advanced math and american history AP..grrr)) but it wasnt that bad because my Gpa still was like a 3.1 or something so thats not too shabby... at around 7 i went over to z's and we chilled for a little bit til laine, ryan and sarah came over and then we headed tot he house of shock.. and well i dont like drama and so im leaving that chapter out of the book... but it ended up me, ryan and laine went into the haunted house.. where i managed... yes i did survive and i talked to some random guys behind me and played marko polo... haha yeah.. i also managed to punch ryan when i got scared.. and im really sorry about that... and then i went to the brother martin game for like an hour or so.. and almost got hit by a car which happened to be mrs. bairnsfather driving.. haha sweelll.. and then ryan brought me home and i stayed up talkin to laine...
TODAY though was fun... today is halloween and like this is the most awesomest day (besides my birthday).. okay so this morning when i woke up.. i thought i wokeup at 10 meaning i wouldnt be goin to church but NO the clocks change that night before not today.. so i was all confused becausse i thought i was i gaining an hour tonite not last nite.. so that kinda blowed.. so i went to church or whatever and then i kinda like did silly stuf like talk to laine on the phone again for like 2 hours probbably.. i love LAINE she's such a great person and i dont know what i would do without her.. but anyways... MWAH.. okay so i took my brother trick or treating and then i went to the good ole D-han... my mom dropped me off at laines and from there we went to ryan's house.. i love his house by the way... but yeah that was random...his mom made fun of me because she "didnt know me" and that whole ordeal thingy... but she's a really nice person and ill make sure to tell her HI everytime i see her... so i played this really cool nintendo game where u race a little unicycle... haha yeah i kicked butt not really but i DID beat ryan in fooseball... YEAH!!!!!!! WOO THATS WHAT IM TALKIN BOUT! i also patty, bub and jay so that was pretty cool and then we played a cool game where ryan's parents tied apples from their stairs and they hung down and u had to try and eat your apple without using ur hands... haha yeah i def sucked at that game.. but its okay n then we went outside and played ball... and then ryan n laine brought me home... THANKS AGAIN GUYS :) so here i am writing in my LJ like the cool person that i am!!! i have school tomorrow n im eating candy.. i rock i swear.. goodnite and lots of love mwah! oh yes... HAPPY HALLOWEEN