May 31, 2010 11:55
Wow.. it's really been almost 6 months since I've been on LJ? Unreal!
My last post was about how cold it was.. now it's smoking hot and humid!
A few things have changed in my world since my last post. I decided to try my luck at rental property so I bought a house in the next town over that was a foreclosure. We've been spending all of our extra time, painting and fixing little things around the place. finally making it look like a home rather than a place that's been empty for several years. We still have a few weeks work left to go, then the rental sign will go up. My plans are for the house to pay for itself for several years, then sell it for profit. Once this one is up and going and IF it does well.. I'd like to add another rental property soon. It's a LOT of work though and I've been spending every second of any extra time that I have working on it seems like, I've painted so much that my hands are sore. Hubby .. wow.. he is so skilled at doing fix it stuff.. this could never work if he wasn't. I haven't seen a thing that he can't do!
A few weeks ago I was bitten by a spider at work. Wow.. I was really sick. I felt it when it bit me, but didn't think anything at all about it... thinking that a new necklace that I had on just pinched me. I woke up that Saturday morning running 102 + fever. It didn't break for 4 days either! I went to the doctor and they gave me a Rocephin and tetanus shot, a bottle of antibiotics and some really thick creme to put on the spot. I fainted in the office after the shots, not sure if it was because I had worked myself up so much over the shots or that i was dehydrated.. or the medicine itself.. either way, I fell out! Scary stuff. I still have a red spot where the spider got me at, but it isn't infected or horrible looking at all.
I'm off work today. I'm seeing that Victor and Nicki are still on the Young and Restless and The Price is Right just isn't the same anymore without Bob Barker on it! I've decided that i'm staying home today and being domestic.. it has to happen since I haven't been at home much in the last month!
Happy Memorial Day!