First of all, Asher and Miette's full box opening is at the end of this post... I opened them on the 15th and saw Splynter recently this thurday and saw 3D Avatar with the dolls (amazing!) Here's a pic of the current family, excluding Rath's head since I'm too lazy to find that one:
I don't know when Mia's getting a faceup, but hopefully soon... -_- There's a couple local people I need to talk to, willing to do it free for practice, but they're really good!
*cool news* Well, I have no self-control or willpower, eh heh heh... I bought myself a Migidoll Miho head off the marketplace. I'm already going over the amount of dolls I said I'd buy, maybe a head doesn't count? >.< After I saw a girl's Migidoll Ryu boy at a meet this past Saturday (this meet, my 3 were there: ), he sealed it for me. ^_^ This head will be my Mafia boss, Vespa Rosetti. I plan to hae a really dark stylized faceup on him and I'm going to try some local people I know are really good before sending him out or paying $50+ (the head is coming blank) He's being shipped out tomorrow and here he is:
Not much now, but if you see the Migidoll database, you can see how gorgeous this head is (hah, but I can see it in him already) I've just bought a t-shirt before I even wanted a MD Miho that's SD13 size and says 'Vespa' on it with an Italian vespa on it. ^_^ I told the girl it was for a doll/character I eventually planned to get and I found this guy about a day later!
I want him to share a body (occasionally) with his mortal enemy, Nekros, the Abadon.... when I get one... -_- That's another subject, I've jsut got to wait 'till the seller gets back from her vacation on Tuesday to contact her. Dear goodness, I hope she'll still sell since I'm going to have to hunt a heck of lot harder otherwise... Rathiel kind of wants to borrow that beefy body too. I have my money together, I bought a shirt, two pairs of pants (jean and leather) and a sexy kimono (red/black) at the last meet, so yeah, I want this guy, and soon. -___- There's a biiiig Vancouver Febuary meet I'd definitely bring them all to! Again, thanks for reading my dolly rantings if you bothered to!
Twice the dolls! (DOC T.Too & Bee-a) Not dating... (Pic heavy!)
So, they arrived at the house yesterday (thurs. the 14th) while I was at school and the post lady as usual left them at the door and rang the bell. (she's awesome :3)
I'm so lucky, no customs charges again, since I was worried. (they were valued at $150, but I think I'm going to ask for full declaration on my next order, safer that way.) I was going to save the box opening until I could find time to meet up with Splynterhayde to open her boy with my two, but we shall meet monday.)
We'll start with what I did on Thursday night:
Tobi: Can we open them now?? XD
Me: Partially...
Tobi: Ok! wait... what?
Me: oh, just start!
The famous box!!
Tobi: C'mon, C'mon! Stop oggling, let's get them out!!!
fter I took the top pillow off... Why yes, that is one really fat bubble wrap mummy! (But really it's two! ^_^) They weren't really doll-candy, but there was a pillow on each side. I'm glad I didn't order anything else, I don't know where they would have fit it... o_0
Those are the two!! I opened Miette first (Bee-a on the right and Asher (Tender Too on the left ) second. I knew I'd get the velcro, but had no idea i'd get anything else, are those extra hands? (I didn’t think DOD did that…)
My brother being a creeper trying to grab them, lol ^_^ Yes, they stood on their own still mostly encased in bubble wrap.
My continuation today:
Today’s helpers, Tobi and Rathiel, my head. ^^
Tobias: It’s good to see you my friend…
Asher: *muffled* Yes… Now get all this crap off me!
His face!! The best one-handed close-up I could get. I have to admit, I was worried about the goth faceup, but it has a lot of browns and really seems to suit him.
About the eyes, I had requested to DOD that I get blue and brown eyes for their defaults and said it didn’t matter which eyes go in which dolls and I suppose they took that to mean one of each colour in each? Ha, they actually looked pretty cool like this, too bad I had to change it.
Miette!! I was surprised by her as well, soo cute, even without a faceup (I’ll update this when I do one) I think her lips are adorable.
Ash & Mia: Heeey… Why are you the only one dressed?
Tobi: Don’t ask me…
Me: Alright, just give me a minute…
Those are the hands… ‘punching fists’ for Asher and ‘pointy nail vampire hands’ for Miette. I realized at this point that they're both quite tightly strung (Asher a little more so) but I'll fix it later...
Asher all dressed properly and I love DOD’s default eyes, they happen to match his outfit. ^^ The wig is sadly a little big for some reason, but I may stick with it.
The two together, Miette is supposed to have dark brown curly locks, but I haven’t found exactly the right wig yet (picky…) and her eyes are a bit too light, but still, the right general colour.
Uhm… They’re best friends but have an interesting relationship at times.
The ‘dating’ couple together. ^^
Tied his hair back
Love this doll more outfit. Her character is a Lolita wearing expert FPS gamer and paintball/air soft player.
Me: Got something for you!!
Asher: I recognize this shape…
Asher: It’s my Bass, awesome!!
He’s the resident bass playing slightly emo kid at their arts school. And I like the glasses on him quite a bit (they look ridiculous on the other two)
Family shot. ^_^ I’m happy to have these three together and I hope you’ve enjoyed looking.
More candid version… They’re starting to argue already. -_-