They're here! (DOC T.Too & Bee-a, not dating) full box opening tomorrow

Jan 14, 2010 23:44

So, they arrived at the house today while I was at school and the post lady as usual left them at the door and rang the bell. (she's awesome :D) I only opened them a little to check for damage, but form what I saw, I'm so excited!!! XDDD I'm so lucky, no customs charages again, since I was worried. (they were valued at $150, but I think I'm going to ask for full declaration on my next order, safer that way.) I'm saving the box opening until tomorrow (when I can find time to meet up with Splynterhayde on DOA to open her boy with my two.) It's so difficult to only open them  this far and from what I can see, my T.Too's faceup is beautiful! I'm sharing the pics I've taken so far and more under the cut!!

My favorite: the bubblewrap mummies standing right away!! (Tobi's a proud friend)

Tobi: Can we open them now?? XD
Me: Partially...
Tobi: Ok! wait... what?
Me: oh, just start!

The famous box!!

Tobi: C'mon, C'mon! Stop oggling, let's get them out!!!

After I took the top pillow off... that I one really fat bubble wrap mummy! (But really it's two! ^_^) I'm glad I didn't order anything else, I don't know where they would have fit it... o_0

Those are the two!! I opened Miette first (Bee-a on the right anfd Asher (Tender Too on the left ) second. I knew I'd get the velcro, but had no idea i'd get anything else, are those extra hands? (I haven't opened them yet...)

My brother beeing a creeper trying to grab them, lol ^_^ Yes, they stood on their own still mostly encased in bubble wrap. I only checked the body as well as hands and feet to make sure there were no shipping injuries and I got what I ordered. :D Very happy so far and I'll post TONS of oics when they're fully opened up tomorrow on Friday (may be late at night tho...)

Thanks for getting this far!!


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