I have become a walking orgy.

Jul 22, 2008 23:59

As most of you probably know by now, I itch. A lot. The reason for this is the fact that I have become the new hot location for Skin Mite Summer Fuck Fest '08 and they are mating on my skin, burrowing into it, eating my skin, laying eggs, shitting underneath my skin, and then dying and leaving their filthy little corpses in me. That's lovely.

I went to the doctor today. That went quite well, actually, other than the fact that I had to get up at 5 and itched until 4:45, meaning I really didn't sleep at all. I could have slept for an hour, but I needed the cushion time, or so I thought, for travel. The doctor was two and a half hours away, but so totally worth the drive. We discussed lots of metaphysical things. She kicks ass. I got a phone number for someone who's book some of you may have read, but no names. Anyway, she prescribed me a toxic cream to kill the fuckers off and some other stuff to minimize my reaction to the cream. I've been off work for the past week because my hands looked bad from scratching, but now I have a note that allows me to return to work on Wednesday.

I saw my sister, too. She seems to be doing ok, but I didn't see her for long enough to really talk much. I was also quite tired by that point. She gave me free milkshakes... not sure if she just gave me milkshakes or if she bought them for me from her work. Either way, it was delicious.

Alex W. came with me to keep me alert while driving, and that kicked ASS. Part of the way, we bitched and screamed about the Shack and some of the corporate BS going on in our district. The rest of the time we mostly coordinated things, caught up on anything we hadn't synced yet, discussed love lives, technology, and smoked an excessive number of Camel Signature Frosts. And THEN, we went SHOPPING.
This isn't just any shopping, this is Fly By Night www.flybynightbookstore.com/ which is an absolutely awesome shop, and a couple of other similar but less bad-ass stores in the area that offer similarly targeted products. We made lists of things to blow money on.

Now, to find money to buy prescriptions with. Mom offered, but that'll come with a price too high for me to think worthwhile. I'll probably just wait for payday and go see what Fly By Night and the other stores in the area have to offer.
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