Christmas follies...

Dec 24, 2009 12:21

Well, it's the eve of the day and good old non-christian me has just finished her frantic running around and money hemorhage.

*pauses to marvel at the irony*

*rolls eyes at self*

As usual I have acquired a few gifts for myself as I rampaged along in a haze of media-induced consumer frenzy, including: two new spring/fall weight jackets, two new sweaters, three books, a pair of lime green and blue argyle slippers with pom-poms, some miscellaneous jewlery and a pair of polka-dot polar fleece pj's (in which I am happily ensconced as I speak, having returned from the chaos that is the downtown core and in need of fuzzy goodness to recuperate.) Un/fortunately I know where all the good sources for cheap, cool stuff are in town and I didn't spend very much money, however, it was a little too easy to spend, thus the mountain o' me-stuff (the three islands of marked down books in the centre of Munro's were, as usual, a particularly dangerous hunting ground.)

I have also picked up a few last minute generic pressies, for those just-in-case situations which always seem to arise. Should they not be needed, they will also revert to me. Oh darn. I have also availed myself overly of the present-intended baking of which there has been ridiculous amounts. Oh damn (no really this time:-P)

I am not spending the holidays with the family, which means that this is the lowest stress December that I can remember. "Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away" to quote a phrase (removing a question mark, thus rather altering said phrase.) I love my relatives, but my sister has two children under the age of two and a twelve year old step-daughter. This makes Christmas decidedly insane around their place. Plus, she and my father in a house together for more than a few hours is a recipe for un-funnity. I am going out to see both households separately in January, when strikes me as being decidedly more pleasant on all fronts.

I am not, however, suffering for company as I have a party this evening, a friend making me breakfast tomorrow morning and am being stuffed in an inverse ratio to a turkey tomorrow by family less biological, but no less adored. I am decidedly pleased on all fronts.

So, that's me for the season. Hope everyone else has peace and joy and other good stuff, whether X-mas is their bag or not. Take care, y'all:-)

*wanders off to debate the relative merits of wrapping vs. napping*
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