's been an uber-productive day for me. After seven hours and six loads of dishes, I have managed to produce:
-almond sugar cookies
-peanut butter squares
-butter tarts
and finally, ta-dah!
-a successful batch of fudge
The last as taken me several years, innumerable recipes and a seemingly endless amount of ingredients wasted as the largely inedible results got tossed in the trash, but at long last I have a pan of chocolate-y fudge goodness all ready to go. Yum.
I just have to make the caramels and the almond roca then all of my traditional X-mas baking needs will have been served.
I also managed to read the third Twilight book, "Eclipse" in the baking stages of my various goodies. I am reading the books on the grounds that I have no right to complain about anything that I haven't actually read. There will be more on that later.
Now I am off to enjoy a plate of the fruits of my labours while gleefully consuming the biggest possible treat of this holiday season: an honest to god, really-o-truly-o, *NEW*
Anne of Green Gables book ! Oh joy, oh rapture, oh bliss!