Successful People from Our Neighborhood - Santa Claus, The Miracle

Dec 24, 2013 09:47

My usual Tuesday post about Successful People, well, not so usual today! We were waiting to talk to this fellow for the whole long year and managed to catch him just moments before he hopped into his sled to deliver the gifts to all the good children (and adults) of the world! Open your hearts to Mr. Santa Claus!

Santa, where do you really live? Is this truly North Pole?

My home is actually in the Arctic Circle in the Northern Finland. It is kind of hard to believe, but it it true. My address everyone got right though: North Pole, and postal code is HOH OHO.

So, do you have a lot of neighbors there, Santa?

No, my house is the only one there. That's why I've chosen to live there - it is very isolated. I don't like people watching me while I am at work - making toys, reading my correspondence, responding to all the letters. And then you know those elves of mine - get destructed so easily, start breaking things and forget their tasks. No, no, I have to be in the place where noone can see me.

Don't you get lonely all by yourself, Santa?

You don't really get lonely when you are busy - I have so many things to do: feed my reindeer and take them for a ride here and there, watch my elves - or this is just five men job by itself, and of course, making gifts, packaging gifts, and getting ready for the Christmas Night! Not many children know, but I also create quite a few cookie and candy recipes each year - and they all have to be tested and brought to perfection! Also, don't you forget my magic globe!

What magic globe, Santa?

What? You didn't know? This is very disappointing... Well, I have a magic globe, it is quite small, about the size of an average water melon. I can see all the children and all the adults there, I know if they are being good or naughty! The globe is also helping to plan my route for the Christmas night. Just a few years ago I decided to allow Google to download the information from my magic globe and show every kid my progress with the gift delivery. You can click here, to see where I am!

Santa, what is the most challenging part of being Santa?

Living with the fact that not everyone believes in you! Yes, I am a magical guy, I can do things that most people can't, but this is not the reason to let your faith go. Say, I can't do splits, well, I am an old man, but I never say, that I don't believe in splits or that splits don't exist just because I can't do them.

What is the most favorite part of your job, Santa?

Seeing happy faces! Getting down the chimney and seeing milk and cookies - then I know children are waiting for me there, they believe in the old dude! Not that I shall be eating that many cookies, but this is a different story. After all this part of me is not more magical then the rest of the people. I would love to learn the secret of eating cookies and staying fit without going to gym. I hate gyms, there is nothing magical about them.

I know noone ever talks about it, but do you do any sports, Santa?

Of course! I ski a lot, few years ago I mastered snowboard, here, one of my elves even took a picture.

Oh, wow, this is impressive! Do you have any other hobbies?

Well, I should not be saying this... I was watching a lot of hockey recently.

Watching hockey? How? Do you have TV?

TV? Silliness! Of course my magic globe! You are from Toronto, right?

Yes, Santa, I am!

Good city! Lots of good kids! But your hockey team, honestly! But, don't you worry, I got some really good gifts for them this year!

Awesome, Santa! This is the case where only you can help. How old are you, by the way?

I was born on March 15, year 270. So, help me with this math, today I am exactly 1743 years, 9 month and 10 days old

What is success for you Santa?

Success for me is my existence in people's hearts! And I am not talking about children only. I would like to have a little secret place in the heart of every adult and every child, a little place where I can plant some magic and faith and happiness!

Santa, may I ask for a photo with you and Mrs. Clause?

Of course, my pleasure!

Would you have a professional message for us, Santa?

You are never old to believe in Santa! I am not just the guy who ones a year gets down your chimney and leaves gifts, I embody the joy and happiness of believing in something magical. And you are what your beliefs are! Believe in all the good and may the happiness and love fill your hearts to no limit! Merry Christmas! and of course Ho HO HO!!!!

Story compliments of Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty

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Successful people

christmas, successful people, santa claus

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