Stalker update!

Dec 04, 2011 18:36

Got a facebook friend request from my stalker the other night! Yet another one, with yet another last name (the moron doesn't change his first name, like the NEW last name will fool me, and he had photos of himself this time on on his profile, so I KNOW it's him).

This man has been following me for 11 years. He started when I was 14 (he was my manager, 40, and telling me he was in love with me. When I told him I was a lesbian, he said that just made him love me MORE) When I finally quit my job, I got a call from a girl i'd worked with telling me not to go near the store or area as he was looking for me, and had a gun on him (they'd fired him on the spot). I saw him standing outside my window, he called my house at all hours, left notes on my car. I went to the cops and while they were very sympathetic and had a patrol car sit outside for a night, told me that until he tried to physically harm me, there was nothing they could do but tell him to leave me alone. They told me I could get a restraining order, but did warn me that they'd seen it many times before that the perps weren't violent UNTIL the restraining order, which pissed them off and set them off. I ignored and avoided him as much as I could, and didn't see him outside my house for a while. After High School, I went to Australia for a summer, but when I came home he saw me in town and it started up again. My parents moved to downsize a bit, and I went with them, and that helped as he no longer knew where I lived. I'd gotten a new car and was living on Campus, so for a little while I'd thought I was done with him.

Then I started getting e-mails from him. Apparently, my university freely offered my personal information if you searched my name, including my address and e-mail. I called my school and demanded my information be privatized, and didn't know now what all he knew about me. They claimed he didn't see my address, but I call bullshit on that one. He started sending me e-mails telling me things like "if I can't have you, no one can." He also told me I shouldn't worry about having sex with him, and that he'd initiated girls much younger than me before. He then went on to describe having sex with kids (he claimed one was 12 and didn't say how old the other two were, but did say they were young). This scared me more than I'd like to admit, and trust me, they were even more disgusting to read than I'm expressing here. I was working in the courts at the time while at University, and had a few lawyer friends. I showed my one friend the e-mails and he said I had to call the cops, but he worried there wouldn't be much they could do. He told me to ignore him but save everything he sent me in case I ever needed it to build a case against him.

Once again, the cops said there wasn't much they could do, as he didn't name names and there were no complaining witnesses, and to this point he had still not physically harmed ME. They also told me to ignore him and save everything. They asked me if I felt safe (NO) and gave me their cards in case anything else came up.

I started working in a shop after doing a semester in New Zealand. Again, I hadn't heard from him in a little while, thought he'd moved on. Then one day I see him walking past the store windows. He's walking slow and staring at me like he wants to slit my throat or something. I have a minor panic attack, and immediately run to my manager telling him if anyone calls asking if I work there, just say no. Do NOT give out information on me or my schedule to anyone, that the man has been stalking me and I think he wants to hurt me. He laughs, thinks it's hilarious and basically just waves me off. I go back out to see he's pacing back and forth in front of the windows. One of the women I work with tells me she'll keep an eye out, and tells me I can do her job down in the basement level for a while and relax a bit. She comes down two hours later to tell me he's still there and that we need to call the cops. Cops come and tell him to move along. He said he was just window shopping. *eyeroll*

He starts showing up constantly, not coming into the store but just pacing back and forth. Cops called again. This repeats several times. Finally he does come in the store, and comes up to me but doesn't really say anything. I ignore him and he follows me until finally I've had enough and start screaming in his face to get the fuck away from me, he's a disgusting pedo and if he didn't leave me alone I'd fucking kill him. I start shoving him towards the door, I'm shouting at him and honestly ready to just beat the shit out of him but once he's out I called the cops again and they apparently went and had a talk with him.

Down the line, he started sending me facebook requests every once in a while, creepy e-mails i don't open and just file away with the others. Two nights ago I get ANOTHER facebook request from him, but this time it says we have a friend in common. It's one of my high school buddies who knew all about my stalker and had seen a few of the notes left for me and cop visits first hand. He had a ton of friends and I thought there was a possibility that he'd just accepted a random request. This wouldn't be so bad except that facebook has been having a TON of problems with their security, changing preset security levels without authorization for things like tagging and photos/comments. The thought that this fucking pervert has seen ANY of my personal photos (which are locked to friends only and innocent, but MINE) makes me want to vomit. I couldn't sleep at all last night, I just keep feeling anxious. Called my friend, and as it turns out, he WORKED with this guy for a few years, and they chatted a lot. He had no idea he was my stalker, and was really apologetic about it, immediately saying he'd delete the guy and not talk to him anymore.

I try not to let this guy get to me, I just don't KNOW what he's capable of. I don't THINK he'd really try anything again, but I just don't know, and that sucks. I shouldn't have ever had to deal with him, but the fact I'm STILL dealing with him is insane. I HATE That I let this guy get to me at all, and need to whine here for a bit as I don't like talking about it IRL.

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