I really feel like I can write this story with one word.
But, you know your reallyoldman.
Why use one word when 20 will do?
I've been watching TV newscasts that are treating this campaign like a year-in-review story. Remember that time Hillary claimed they shot at her? Remember when Joe the Caucasian lied about all that shit? Remember when Sarah Palin seemed like she was going to save McCain? Remember when it seemed like Rev. Wright was going to sink Obama?
Reallyoldman still can't believe that the Bushies will leave power peacefully. Maybe they will. Maybe things have spun so far out of control that they want someone with some brains to clean it up before they come back for another round of rape and pillage.
Don't know, can't say, but here for you tonight on election eve is I quick trip down memory lane from the fine folks at thisfuckingelection.com
You can review reallyoldman's gavel-to-gavel coverage by clicking here.
And, only from reallyoldman, here's one of our patented multimedia presentations reprising our coverage of the campaign. Multimedia presentation to follow.
Let's start out with that incredible John McCain Story.