Candle is having another local show here in San Luis Obispo. This time were playing with Zebedde Zaitz and two touring bands from San Francisco. The show is held at the newest SLO venue, a coffee shop called Sally Loo’s. Looks to be another promising show! And wouldn’t you know it, Candle will have a different lineup of musicians. Ross is back! He’ll be playing electric guitar and mandolin and Patrick is going to play bass in Brooke’s absence. Anna is going to sing once again, George will be on the fiddle, and of course Kevin and myself to round it all out. Also, Nolan finished mixing the Live performances form the Candle/Oh My Land show at Downtown Brew on Feb 3rd. It sounds great! Jon Wilson is going to upload the music to the real love site and we will be giving the music away! Hope to see you at the Sally Loo’s show!