renewed faith? Or is it i haven't made the right analogy.....

Dec 12, 2005 05:30

Funny, how could have i been so blind? He's right there sitting, BAM in front of me. The perfect example. The "different" One. The "Non Conformist." At times I hate to be preachy and lead by example but so many of the ideas i've had and I forget that He is the one who started it all. He is that "simplicity" of what others fail to recognize. I just want to slap myself haha. All things wrong, me gettin pissed at all the fucked up things in society now days, then BAM, He is the answer. It all started off of when T and I where having our long debates and talks of various things. It started off with him asking what my intentions were when I have kids. I told him that i valued life and watching it grow. I want to do my best to be a proper example for my kids. I want my kids to have what I was not blessed with, a father growing up. "Why?" T always asks me why. "Why?" I told him theres no denying it that life is a struggle. "Why?" because theres so much to experience in life regardless if it is pain, happiness, hate, or love. "Why?"
"T, have you fallen in love yet?"
"But, it didnt go the way you wanted huh?"
"I bet you one day a girl will sweep you off your feet, like a slap in the face"
"Pssh, whatever. Trust me i won't let it happen"
"Horseshit, you don't know that. I live for not knowing whats gonna happen the next day. So if this girl came up to you and was all flirtin and giving good vibes you'd still act that way?"
"Trust me, i'd probably be an asshole or ignore her tactfully"
"Foo... Shes gonna think you're gay"
"Nah she won't"
"BULLSHIT! shes gonna think im your fuck buddy or something cause im hanging out with you!"
We both laugh.
"Quit being stubborn and stop expecting things. I have that problem too i expect too much. You feel me."
"Yeah I feel you"

hahahahahah. I told him after that. "See foo, why do you want to end your life so easily. Don't tell me you wouldn't live for a conversation such as this. Life is experience. You feel me? "
"yeah, i feel you"

I showed him the Bible. The beatitudes. I told him how i strove to be humble and follow a righteous path. It feels good. Staff Sergeant Westry came buy and gave a spill about it. It was a pretty good way to put it into perspective. He pointed out how so many people are so connected to natural things they forget that your spiritual side needs nuturing too. Was a good talk today. Now i have to reread a bunch of my ideas and put Jesus into the mix.

This letter from the Pope John Paul II is pretty crazy. It feels good reading it. Its sad that I felt wrongly about the Church for its past wrong doings. Yet reading this is refreshing to my soul.


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