Obama is certainly following the totalitarian game plan. Next up on his agenda is show trials of his political opponents!
I like the way
the MSM assumes the people involved are already guilty as charged:
WASHINGTON - Armed with an agreement by top Bush administration aides to testify under oath, congressional Democrats may finally learn the answer to a 2-year-old question: What role did George W. Bush's White House play in politically motivated firings of U.S. attorneys?
Um...the firings were politically motivated? Really? Who determined that? Isn't that the reason Rove is being questioned: to determine whether the firings were politically motivated?
How soon can we expect show trials for Clinton and his advisers for his firing of all sitting US attorneys? I've determined that was politically motivated.
It's also funny how the left's accusations that people like Rove were "refusing" to testify are shown to be false. Rove stated all along he was willing to write down answers to specific questions and have it be "under oath". He knows his written word will be much harder to twist than impromptu answers given during hours and hours of testimony. (Too bad Scooter Libby didn't think of that, eh?)