Lying, cheating and stealing your way into college

Jun 05, 2005 17:20

It's par for the course in Colorado, thanks to a Denver public school system high school principal who thinks that if he withholds the actual diploma from students, thus making them appear to still be in high school, the state will have to pay for their college educations until they turn 21.

Gosh, what a great idea! I think I will start withholding deeds to houses and making the state pay for mortgages!

What a plan! We should all do this! Steal! Lie! Cheat! It's the American way, isn't it?

The principal tried to justify his actions by stating that the kids might not get to go to college otherwise, and the school system stated that with 44% more students going to college it was "too popular" to scrap. Excuse me?! Of course "free money" is popular! But then why not withhold every diploma in the state and have every kid go to college for free?! How about every kid in America?! After all, it is "free"!1!11!!1!one!!1!

The mind boggles at the short-sighted, immoral behavior exhibited by people who think the ends justify the means.

I hope the Colorado attorney general is preparing criminal charges against the principal and the school district for ripping off the taxpayers of Colorado.

colorado, welfare, public schools, socialism

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