Aug 15, 2004 16:35
While I was reading some stuff on the DNC today I found a picture of this teenage guy Gabe Lefkowitz playing Amazing Grace on the violin for the 9/11 tribute. Apparently (I wasn't wathcing that night) he was replacing Yo Yo Ma and he played, completely unaccompanied, on stage in front of hundreds of delegates holding electric candles and national TV. The name sounded familliar and it turns out he was the in the better orchestra of GBYSO, which I did for a year. I totally remember playing Asshole with him--in fact, he may have taught me to play Asshole, since I think I learned it at GBYSO camp--and was mad nice. Now there are all sorts of articles mentioning how amazing he was in the Washington Post and Chicago Sun and he's all famous. He's like sixteen, too, so how badass is that?
I've got to make some kind of rule about this: Always keep somehow in touch with the hyper-talented, hyper-driven or hyper-intelligent people you meet. Actually while I'm at it I should make some rule about watching stuff like the DNC.
I haven't started packing but I have started making lists of stuff to at some point pack. For now I have to go stuff a duffel since I'm staying at my dad's tonight.