(no subject)

Oct 06, 2005 19:01


In the air tonight…

Where’s Micah?

Work is killing me but I finally have my new staff hired.  It’s been hard and I’ll admit to that.  What is interesting is that two of the three people I hired didn’t counter their initial offer.  Maybe they are not enterprising people or maybe they just wanted a job.  Either way, I am pretty stoked or I’m glad I get to rebuild the department with good habits.

I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life, hold on…

I get nervous about my trip but I cannot wait.  I’m about to learn so much about who I am.  When I return, my experiences will make me an entirely new person from who I am now.

Around November/December, I’m going to do a lot of trips to Southern California.   I am going to live there when I return.  For several reasons…

  1. I need to get closer to family.
  2. I haven’t lived near family in five years.
  3. I want to kick it with my little brothers and give them the gift of surfing
  4. I want to go back to college.
  5. I want to open a surf shop.

I have a lot of ideas for the surf shop.  One hurdle is making my surf shop unique so that people will go there instead of the others.  The first thing I’m going to do is network with all the local clothes designers that are looking for someone to take a chance and put their shit in the store,  secondly, network with other locals that make things that you’d sale in a surf shop - a local board shaper, a local girl that makes hand made surf bag. Whatever it is, it will be local and not big names like Quicksilver and so forth.  I have so many ideas for this.   Therefore, I’ll just move on in my journal, or we’ll be here forever.

It’s nice to have new goals in life.  For those of you who read my journal know that my biggest challenge, or at least one of them, is that I don’t have any goals.  I accomplished my goals at an early age and I need something new.  After years of thinking about it and trying to figure myself out, I have new goals in life.  It’s fucking great.

The surfing has been, eh it’s just been.  We did have a flat summer and finally saw some large swell a couple weekends ago.  It came from the south and I watched it move from Fiji all the way up to Northern California.  I love the Internet for that.

We’re expecting big surf this weekend and I’m glad.  It is my birthday on Sunday.

Anyhow, I’m sure I have more to say but there’s something to chomp on
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