So here I am in Charleston, South Carolina. Heavenly and I are getting ready for bed, and I just thought, since I'm on here trying to get our new phone bill fixed, I'd post an update on LJ.
This city is gorgeous. Downtown Charleston is so rich and full of character and history. The buildings are so old-fashioned, and so southern. Today was the third time I've been downtown, and let me tell you, it's a confusing city. How long it will take to figure out the directions for Charleston, and the West Ashley area, I have no clue. But I love Charleston.
Today we went walking around during the day, visiting the Market, and some of the shops, both touristy and non. We went into a graveyard on Church Street called St. Michael's, and I took some photos there
which I'm posting here:
Moving in only took us two days, although unpacking and getting everything in order will probably take far longer. A great deal of space is now being occupied by boxes, but all the essentials (washer/dryer, beds, tables, couches, bookshelves, etc.) are in place.
There are tons and tons of restaurants here; we've eaten at three so far, the Meritage (a place which only serves appetizers), Coast (my favorite so far, a great seafood place housed in an amazing brick building), and Wild Wings (no affiliation with Buffalo Wild Wings). We also went to an art walk the night we arrived, which is a nighttime showing of some of the one-hundred-plus art galleries in the city, with free wine.
All in all, things are not going bad at all. Heavenly has the second part of a job interview tomorrow morning, and I have three leads so far. Tomorrow I will know more on that.
I also should say that I am ecstatic to be with Heavenly once more. Two months and one week exactly is too long to spend apart from one's lover. But now we are together again, all is well. Or, at least, most is well, and anything that is not can easily be solved. So I am content for the moment, though there is much to do in the days to come.
But it's getting late, so I'm signing off now!
EDIT: Apparently Imagehost dumped the photos, so I re-uploaded them onto my own webspace, as you see them above!