Nov 15, 2006 20:55
I got my hair done today, just in time for Thanksgiving. "THE" Thanksgiving! It's not quite what I expected, but the color is FUDGIN' AWESOME! LOVE the color. There's northing like "New Hair" to make you feel like a whole new person. I think this was just the uplift I needed. Today, hair. Tomorrow, Root Canal. Next Tuesday: I get ALL MY TUBES OUT, and I WILL "officially" be "whole" again. (If you pray, PLEASE pray that all goes well next Tuesday, and that ALL my tubes get pulled, and that THIS surgery was FINALLY a success.) I know that's a lot to pray for, but I really want this. I've really wanted this for 3 long years now. So, maybe if YOU ALL pray, and I keep praying, maybe....just maaaaaaaybe things'll work out in my favor this time. (Please, God?) Excitement! Also, this is "The" Thanksgiving that Dusty meets the "Conservative" side of my family, so that in July, we can "shack up" with less guilt on my part. We could use prayers for THAT too. But, first things first: My tubes, and everything working correctly. Then: Dusty staying healthy and getting to come to Thanksgiving with my family and me.
I feel SO much better. Could it all be the hair? I dunno. If you pray, please pray. If you don't, please consider sending "Happy Vibes" my way. If you don't believe in those either, then...I dunno. Forget it I guess? Anyhoo, I'm rambling now. I'm gonna go watch Dr. Phill. I dunno why I've started watching him again, but I have. Oh, well.
hair goodness,
root canal,