Oct 02, 2006 21:52
So it's about 9:00 this evening, and I'm sitting in my Psych lecture (of 450 people) beside my friend, Sam. For the last, probably, 45 minutes, Ennis (the prof) was going on and on about neuropsychology, and how the brain has neurotransmitters, etc. Sam writes "I stopped listening 10 minutes ago" on her paper, and I nod. We listen for about another five minutes. Then, out of nowhere, the left door at the front of the room flies open. This guy with a green clown wig and a purple outfit with polka dots runs into the room. Right behind him comes this guy dressed in a full-out batman suit. And when I say full-out, I mean... spandex suit, cape, HUGE wings, mask, etc. The clown guy (who I'm assuming was supposed to be the Riddler) runs into the room, being chased by random Batman guy. They chase each other around in a circle at the front of the lecture hall, then run toward the aisle of stairs that I'm sitting near. They run up the stairs, Batman chasing the Riddler,and Batman screams something (which none of us could make out) and out the back door. That's all they did.
At first the class was quiet and completely like "...what the crap..." but then everyone just burst into laughter. Ennis goes "Inspite of how random and amusing that may have been for some of you, I find that quite disrupting." And continued lecturing through more laughter.
I must say, that made my day. Random costumed people running through huge lecture halls... that's hilarious. And the best part: 5 minutes before all of this happened, this guy saunters into the room and sits in the front row. I lean over to Sam and whisper "who the heck would come to class this late into the lecture?" (class started at 7:00) Then as soon as Batman and the Riddler leave, the guy gets up and runs out the front doors.
Talk about random. But a good way to end the night.
That's all. There was no point to this entry other than that. Haha.