Feb 08, 2004 17:56
woot woot, im allowed on the computer friday saturday and sunday, you know what that means, no more entries for a few days. probably. well today was really really boring my mom was all hung over and my parents were sleeping all day.
last night they had people here, my dad and his friend went outside for a little while and when they came back in they were all goofy and smelled like pot a wicked lot. i was laughin then i asked my mom if they were smoking and she was disoriented and said no then almost fell down. i asked my dad and he said no but i wasn't expecting him to say yes. he said, i don't do that ANYMORE. hee hee! he said to me, i know your gonna try it but i better not catch you. i was like sick! and went to bed.
im kinda looking forward to this weeek coming up. i don't know why, probabaly because vaca is after so the week will go by slower than usual. i wanna do something for vaca, i think i wanna like party, all of vaca and have a fuckin blast. yeah that'd be awesome. but i got to be bringin my grades up this week..getting all those little points in before progress reports, which i might not even show my parents, depends. but i hate math and nothing is going to motivate me to try harder in that sped class that everyone fails. haha, yeah they say you can't blame the teacher but i beg to differ.
well oh well. yeah i feel like sky diving right now...that would be wicked fun. that or like bujie jumpin, anything to do with jumping from high places i guess. it just seems like a rush. mabye i could get the feeling from drugs, who knows.