Just A Little Bit About Me

Nov 28, 2010 15:31

New to this whole Livejournal thing.  I suppose I'm a few years late.

This is just a small bit of info about me, in case anyone happens to stumble across this and thinks I seem slightly interesting.

- Gender: Female.
- Age: Almost twenty, but not wanting to leave the teens behind.
- Occupation: Student, no lazier than average.
- To sum up my personality: Adorer of quirkiness.  A getting-on-with-things sort of girl.  Chooses happiness over almost anything else. 
- Most likely to be seen: in a second-hand bookshop buying British novels, walking in brogues with a spring in my step, or coveting almost everything in Urban Outfitters.
- Words and phrases that I say too often: "Oh dear...", "Yay!"
- A few faults: Ok, I won't lie, I'm probably a bit pretentious on the internet - but I suppose if you found this then you'd realise that anyway, because surely writing a list like this ventures well into pretension?
- "It's not what you're like, it's what you like": bright mornings, spectacles, brown eyes, knitted socks, pasta, vintage fashion, indie pop, tea, British comedy panel shows, the cinema, baking cakes, cats, books, folk music, different languages, ginger biscuits.
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